
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Remember those 39 golf balls that Cousin John gave us, now there are . . .

These five came out right away. Mrs. Jim washed them all and then golfed with these Tuesday. (Those 39 balls and the story)

These balls are some of the best, nothing is to good for my Mrs. Jim. Yes, some things are too expensive for my Mrs. Jim, but nothing is too good for her.

Mrs. Jim's favorite playing ball is the Noodle ball. Noodle balls are made by xyc Company. For sure we can't say Mrs. Jim doesn't use her Noodle in her game.

I will use the Titleists. They are dependable and hit fairly far for me.

Both of us will use Callaways and Nikes when we have them. We don't buy them, either we find them or our high roller kids will give us theirs after they have played nine holes with them. Tim does give me a few new ones every now and then. They just plain cost more money than Mrs. Jim or I want to pay for golf balls.

Mrs. Jim took two others out also. One is a no label dud ball. It doesn't bounce good for sure. The other cull is a Titleist XOut***. Mrs. Jim doesn't play with XOuts, but I do. This Titleist doesn't bounce good, so maybe it will stay a cull.


These, then, are the remaining thirty-three. Wait! There are thirty-four here! I think an imposter sneaked in someplace. We will check on that!

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*** XOut balls are factory seconds and sell new for half price or less. They play just about as good as a first quality, often the defect is cosmetic. There isn't any snob appeal at all though.


  1. 1, if Cousin John got those off of Northridge (cemetary) then its likely you're playing with one or two of the balls I purchased (or found) I'll send my address if you'd like.
    2. I've been lead to believe that most X'd out balls were from those recovered by companies from lakes (par 3's) and then XXX over the name in order to sell without the company name.
    My internet has been down for the past 3 days and I'm finally back.

  2. I'd like to knock the socks off the clown ball.

  3. I wondered if some of those might be Cliff's golf balls, considering where you got them!

  4. Ok, I too had been thinking some once had belonged to Cliff.
    Mrs. Jim wasn't in the kitchen even one minute when she chuckled and said there was an extra now.
    Note: they were sitting on the kitchen cabinet, right next to the sink where she had washed them all.
    Now they are in plastic bags, six each, ready for us to throw in our golf bags.
    John has some more, mention to him you saw a couple of yours in Mrs. Jim's pile. He is a generous fellow.

  5. Hi Jim, re your coming out of the closet comment, I have discussed this with Warren and we feel it would be timely to come out now and appear in full color/view.
    BTW the silence was for 2 or 3 days!!!!!!
