
Monday, May 12, 2008

Blue-eyed long-eared short-legged Kentucky hill JPEG

I made this for a lady blogger in Kentucky (Rachel) who did know what a JPEG was. Caveat, at least that is what she said in a comment I happened to view. I did my best (not really) with what I had.

So here is my Blue-eyed long-eared short-legged Kentucky hill JPEG, for her and the rest of you, this is what the one I saw looked like the best I can remember.

One other thing, this drawing or any improvement thereon by the artist, Jim, aka jimmiehov, is copyrighted by Jim, jimmiehov©2008 and may not be reproduced or copied in any way without permission from and acknowledgement to Jim, aka jimmiehov.

....©2008 Jim, jimmiehov


  1. Are you sure that is not ADI with perky ears?

  2. Lucy, Adi would resent that but she is sleeping right now! I may do a drawing of Adi next.

    Doug, you should have seen that JPEG run after she saw me behind the bush with my palate and brushes.

  3. Say what? Looks like a deer to me. We have lots of those in these parts.

  4. Dear Jim,
    could it be a self portrait, you in a Santa's reindeer costume.??
    Clever done anyway jepeg man.
    From Felisol

  5. Gosh Jim! I haven't chased anything like that around the hills of KY! Looks like maybe it's a deer???

  6. Jim
    Put the keyboard down and back away from it slowly. This is your last warning.

  7. Come on guys, have a heart.
    I'm just learning KEYBOARD DRAWING and all its therapeutic benefits, for the artist (???) and the Art Connoisseur.

  8. Keyboard drawing!! Ahhhh....that explains it Jim!!!
