
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Girl cars might be pink? Adi Can . . . . . . Come home


More? (link)

Limo? (link)

For the young set? (link)

Yes, Adi is home. She needs to rest up a spell with the retired old folks. Adi had been staying with Billy and Karen for a week plus while we were on the road.

[large picture] [super sized]



  1. Hi Jim Nice to see Adi back Home,, Thanks for your lovely comments about Alyce.. I think she beautiful but then im her Nan...

  2. That car is definately pink! Are you sure that is not a Mary Kay car?.....I am sure ADI is glad to be home with the "old folks".

  3. You don't see many pink cars!!

    I know Adi is so happy to be home again!!

  4. I enjoyed all the pictures you've posted. My fave is Adi & Old Glory - nice shot!

  5. I have nail polish the color of that car.

    I'm sure Adi is glad to be home.
    I bet she likes the pace of your lifestyle. There's not too much hurry going on, and you've always got good stuff to eat.

  6. Dear Jim,
    I have no strong opinion of cars since I actually don't drive myself. Except for the color that is. A car should be black or red.
    Hubby Gunnar went out and bought a black car the other day. It stranded after half an hour of driving.
    Now I fear he'll trade it in for a silver colored.
    What can I do??
    From Felisol

  7. Hi Jim ~~ Nice car and I bet Adi is glad to be home with you.
    I have passed an award on to you, so
    would you collect it from my blog.
    I enjoyed your Memorial Day blog too.
    Take care, Regards, Merle.

  8. Hi Jim, people would see you coming a mile off in a car that colour. Dogs do taking it easy so well don't they! Bob.

  9. I love your pictures of Adi! Glad she's home.

  10. I'll bet it's nice to see Adi again!

  11. Jim, I will be there around 6:30pm. to set up. No, I am NOT taking the Extra class. I am still trying to pass the General test.... Once I pass the General, I will be as happy as a bug in a rug and will stay at that position. Extra, is wayyyyy over my head. lol See ya tomorrow night.

  12. Oh Grampa Jim...I was so interested a while back to thank you aand I never even noticed that Adi is back!!
    Oh I am so glad!
    "The sun is shining, the sky is blue. God is in his holy heaven and everything is all right!"

    Hi Adi! This is your Auntie Terry just telling you that she loves you!!
    It is high time that you took a flight over to Canada!!..Love Aunt Terry

    Ps Adi...That Grampa of yours has been gobbling up all the hot dog crusts while you was away! You better keep an eye on him!
    Have you seen your Aunt Felisol lately. Just can't find her ANYWHERE!!!
