
Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Jim Bunch eats again! What is this meal?

Our church had a business meeting this week on Wednesday night. It is either tradition or subliminal coercion that on the business meeting nights we have fried catfish for the evening meal.

Our church has paid kitchen staff and cooks, so we have to pay for our meal to defray the church's expenses. The meal is $4.00 with no extra discount for senior citizens. Just so you know, more than half of us attending on Wednesday nights are seniors.

The drink: iced tea, mine is unsweetened with lemon slices
My salad: a mixture of pasta, pickled beets, egg, cottage cheese, and a strawberry
Dessert: strawberry shortcake using angel food cake
Entry: fried catfish strips, cole slaw, hush puppies, onion rings (I ate these before taking the picture), onion, and tarter sauce
Soup: chicken and seafood gumbo (my preference is leave out the chicken, put in some sausage)

The hush puppies?

Hush puppies are pretty much Southern food served with fried fish. That is unless we are talking of shoe brands (link). The eating kind are basically corn bread rolled into a ball and deep fried (recipe link).

Why are they called 'hush puppies?'

Mrs. Jim said her grandmother would make them almost every day. The hound dogs--like Adi--would gather round and howl a little, they knew their turn was coming.

Then Grandma would call out, "Hush puppy! Hush puppy, hush!," as she would throw each dog in turn his or her hush puppy, hot from the pan. I have no idea how many hush puppies make a hound dog quiet down. We don't feed Adi hush puppies so I for sure don't know and Mrs. Jim can't remember how many it took her grandma to throw.


  1. Oh Thank you Jim for telling me how to move my favorites list around by clicking and dragging!!! I'll have all my blog friends all clustered together now. They have been scattered all over the place!!

    The meal looks great!! I loved that hush puppy story!!! LOL I can see all the howling dogs now!!
    Have a great Memorial Day!!!

  2. Jim, looks like a delicious meal and very inexpensive! Thanks for the lesson on Hush puppies.

    Come visit my blog tomorrow, Sunday May 25. I'm celebrating my birthday. There will be cake and balloons! :D

  3. Hi Jim ~~ I didn't know what Hush puppies were, apart from shoes. So now I know why they were called that, but why were the shoes called Hush puppies? Glad to see you eat again.
    Thanks for your comments and I hope Mrs Jim's reunion went well. More good food no doubt. Take care, Regards, Merle.

  4. I'm howling for some hush puppies!!
    I love those things!
    That's a good meal for $4.
    Fried fish.... YUMMY!
    I avoid fried food most of the time, so when I do eat it, I REALLY enjoy it.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend.

  5. Hey guys, that meal gets me to business meetings! The meal was pretty good, but I've had better catfish dinners (not for $4.00 though).

    Happy Birthday, Maryt! I will go there, The Work of the Poet, and do the wishing there again tomorrow.

    Today is Merle's birthday too!
    Happy Birthday, Merle! Her blog is Merle's Third Try.

  6. It all looks good, except for the beets.... I love hush puppies. My dad would make them and we would eat them with ketchup. Fried fish with tarter sauce and cole slaw all go to make it a complete meal....My dad had his favorite breading for the fish that was to die for....Yummmmm, I can taste it now. BTW: Four bucks in a good price for that meal.

    Have a great Memorial Day. Are ya cookin' a brisket?

  7. Mrs. Jim cooked a brisket, I don't cook! She cooked ten (I think) of them for the reunion.
    We brought one back home uneaten. She is a good cook, they were very good briskets.

  8. me some hush puppies. Thanks for the history!

  9. "Poopie" needs to refrain from answering on your food posts ;) ... so what's it like to get a senior discount for food, eh?

  10. OK, Mrs. Mac, I see you don't understand. Don't let the name fool you, Poopie is a very nice blogger lady and an excelent writer.
    Find her nice and cheery blog at:

  11. JK ... on 'poopie' was just referring to the name ... not the person ;) (not use to the name associated with food)

  12. MM, I was thinking you were just doing a funny with the name and food association.
    I just wanted to make sure every one knew and to give Poopie's blog a little intro.
    Thanks for the clarification from you though.
    Mrs. Mac has a very nice blog also,
    Her husband just retired and now they both are moved into their retirement home.
    Mrs. Jim retired two years before I did. That is a big change for the ladies who have the home to themselves all day when suddenly a guy like Jim napping on the couch or organizing the pantry appears on the scene.

  13. the foods look delicious Jim.. and its not expensive... thanks for the visit!
