
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Jim Bunch eats again! A nice Texas meal at the neighborhood Heritage House Restaurant

Here was our problem last Saturday:

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. We were going for brunch at our clubhouse. But the someone here at Bentwater (link) had reserved it all day. His granddaughter was getting married. We knew the other eating place at the yacht club was closed as it was on the Internet, but not this one also.

We did want to eat a little special, as it was my sister and her husband's 50th wedding anniversary.


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.So we did the next best thing, we drove over to Montgomery to the Heritage House Restaurant (review link). It wasn't open till eleven, and then not for breakfast.

We did a little antique shopping and touring in Montgomery and then came back to this sumptuous meal.

Lois (sister), Jim W. (bro-in-law), and I had chicken fried steak. Mrs. Jim opted for fried catfish. What you see in this picture we got for $6.95 a plate. It included the salad bar, entree, and two vegatables. We all had some excellent cooked in the kitchen green beans. Some had mashed potatoes, Mrs. Jim had the very best, the corn fritters, and I had French fries since corn is now off my food plan.

It was all very good; we didn't have room for any of the kitchen made deserts. Mrs. Jim brought at least half of hers and most of the cole slaw home in a doggie box and the two of us had a ready prepared supper.

Thank you Mrs. Jim, for sharing your food with me. Adi did get a few bits of the catfish breading. She likes corn bread so much and we didn't want to disappoint her.


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.While we were waiting and again afterward we did in the antique shops in Montgomery. There are several, we only went to four.


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What is this?

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A hint here

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This nice steamer trunk had everything workable.


  1. Answer: It is a 'pigeon hole' laying nest.

    I doubt if it was used for egg laying pigeons all its life but we will have a hard time finding out.
    It was imported from France as an antique.

  2. Hi Jim, looks like you had a slap-up feed there, I have to say that Jim W doesn't look very happy about something, I think wanted to get eating instead of having his picture taken LOL! Bob.

  3. Dang. The Jim Bunch eats, like, every week! May your prosperity only spread.

  4. Hi Jim That looks a grand feast your all having.. hope you took a doggy bag home for Adi...

  5. Boy Jim....With all of that good food you guys are always eating, it is just beyond me how you all keep so skinny...Not FAIR!!!
    And all you gave to Adi was just a few old dry crumbs? Even MORE not fair!....Love Terry

  6. A pigeon hole laying nest...hmmm....reckon this is the first one of those I have ever seen.

    You eat in grand style Jim! I'm sure Adi enjoyed the breading she got for a treat!

  7. Hi Jim ~~ Kate doesn't go until the end of July, but I will keep posting
    about her activities and I am sure
    she will love it all. I know nothing about Detroit or it's reputation, so I wasn't very impressed with that joke. Take care, Regards, Merle.

  8. Jim, looks good. To bad ADI didn't get more food from the "Doggie" bag......

    I went to Old Town Spring last Saturday. I had to go up for a visit with a friend and I got a chance to walk the streets and enjoy the area. I am up there all the time and this is the first time I actually got out of the car and looked around. I had fun and bought a little silver bracelet at one of the shops. I plan to go again and find some more treasures.

    Did you buy the Piegon nesting rack?

  9. Bob, this was an excellent meal! It is unpatriotic in Texas to bring home any part of chicken fried steak, our state food.

    Doug, we are getting older and not cooking at home so much. Did you want me to take some pictures of my frozen dinners?

    Jeanette, the doggie bag was for us. Very seldom do the dogs lunch on anything from them at our home. Adi is a lucky dog, she gets lots of 'crums.'

    Terry, we are Biblical with Adi. Jesus recognized that the dogs love the crumbs fed to them under the table!

    Rachel, on the farm, my Mom raised hens for their laying eggs for us to eat and sell. She had many larger chicken-sized nests similar to these.
    If we didn't want the eggs to hatch, we would get them out twice a day.
    And too, they weren't fertized because we ate or sold all the roosters.

    Merle, thank you for the granddaughter, Kate, updates you give.
    I don't know much about Detroit either, I have only driven through there.

    Lucy, Mrs. Jim loves to shop around in Spring. I like to visit the stores, but haven't bought a thing except food over there.
    We do eat there, at the Wunch restaurant.

  10. Jim, I'm glad you liked my Peace Globe post and the song Imagine. I wish you peace and happiness! :D

  11. Jim
    I would have to agree with Mrs Jim on the catfish. You're just lucky she shared.

  12. Yummmy!! Fried catfish & corn fritters.
    That's MY kind of good eating!
    I avoid fried foods most of the time, but I go astray now and then and pork out on good fried food.
    I'm glad you enjoyed spending time with your sister and her hubby to celebrate a wonderful event -
    Happy anniversary to them!!!
    It's great that Adi got to enjoy a bit of the good food too.

  13. I had fried catfish once and wasn't too fond of it. Maybe it's an acquired taste?

    Nonetheless, it sure looks like no one left that table hungry!
