
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life on the Italian Riveria

This stretch of the Italian Riviera looks just too nice to be left alone. And it has a view too!

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Is there more to this picture that isn't very easily seen here?

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.That is a restaurant up there. We didn't eat stop to eat as we were still thinking morning.

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.Those Italians make good use of most of their pretty places. Next to the restaurant in the pink building is a very up scale living place. We should have checked to see if there were any flats with a view were for sale.

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.As I said, they can just throw up structures on any place you would want. From the old--building, perhaps a formerly a lookout--to these 20th century homes.

Now where do you think they would keep their boats? Surely living on the Mediterranean much of the population would have boats.

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.Sure just ready to go. Is that a Coast Guard boat the crew left while eating at the rock restaurant? Donuts anyone?


That just doesn't seem like very many boats for such a large town?

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.Oh, here are the working people's boats. Ready for fishing, swimming, or just an outing. I don't think there will be water skiing.


And if you like pink things, go check out this pink car I found (click link).


  1. Hi Jim ~~ Great photos and description of this Italian post.
    It looks very interesting and you and Mrs. Jim must have had a grat time. And now you are off again. No rest for the wicked. Hope you enjoy this next treip and have a wonderful time.
    Congrats on passing the Ham Radio Exam. You did well. Where are you heading next time. Take care, Regards, Merle.

  2. Oh forgot to say Congrats on Ham Radio Exam!

    by the way what kind of Ham was it?

  3. i am glad like me you go back into your past(you have so much of it like me) to my wife's homeland, i'm all english but she is all italian, desimone is her name....

  4. Wow, it's a hard knock life, huh? Looks fantastic. :)

  5. Italy~ I can't wait to see it with my own eyes! Those are great views of rooms with a view!

  6. Those boats are parked just like we park cars here in the US. Bonnie saw lots of old buildings when she went to Italy last March. It is a pretty little town.

  7. I'd love to go there!!!!
    What neat photos.
    So charming.
    I'd like to eat at that restaurant.

  8. I'd love to visit there someday! I love how they build all those buildings on the cliff tops! Thanks for the pictures Jim!

  9. Can I fit in your suitcase next time?
