
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rub a dub dub dub — MidWeek Blues — three four men at chow

Question: What in the world can be blue here.

[large picture] [extra large then click on button on bottom right]

Answer: Only Jim's jacket.

Since you are here I will tell what is going on in this picture.

1. The Jim Bunch is eating again. We are at the Garden Cafe at Conroe, Texas. This is a delightful little eating place run by friends, Mr. and Mrs. _________ . The food is delicious with a menu to fit all tastes and hunger levels, the service is pleasant and prompt, the atmosphere is friendly and homey, and the place is spotlessly clean.

2. We are having our annual Sunday school class teacher and director meeting. Not every year do we meet. Sometimes we don't invite the director.

3. From left to right is Sam, a retired missionary to Korea; Wendell, a retired corporate executive/owner; Jim (me), twice retired NASA aerospace engineer and college business professor; and Dr. Jim, a retired cardiothoracic surgeon.

We team teach a coed Bible class whose members are mostly age 70 and over.

Sam, the retired missionary is a seminary graduate who knows his Bible and very well. He shares many of his mission experiences to add practicality to the lesson.

Dr. Jim's teaching style I call pseudo preaching. He lays every issue on the line and emphatically makes his points.

I (Jim) say that I do not teach, rather I lead the class through the lesson. My classes have more discussions and member participation that the others. I do not lecture but do keep the class on focus with our scheduled Bible lesson objectives.

Since we all have different teaching styles the class members with this variety generally keep a high degree of interest in our lesson matter.

I do believe that teaching is a my talent given by God. Most all of my life I have ended up teaching. That would be in my army and aerospace engineering careers as well as at San Jacinito College and various Bible class teaching assignments.

I am not saying that I am a good teacher but that this is where and what I end up doing.

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If you want to post a MidWeek Blues picture, go get directions from Rebecca by clicking on the logo picture on the right. She has a Mr. Linky and good directions . Just do what I did. .

Or do less. All she requires is a BLUE PICTURE, you don't have to write.


  1. Jim -- no matter what I did I ended up teaching, too. Finally, at age 31 I gave up and went to college and got a teaching degree.

  2. You look like a fun group of guys.

    Wordless Wednesday - Pirates' Strumpet

    it's possible google reader dropped my feed again

  3. No hemlock in your drink, is there?

  4. I used to teach. Sunday school and school, but I retired. Now I'm having fun with the camera. Nice blue shirt. :)

  5. what hotties!!!


    i hope you do not mind..

  6. I learned a lot about you today. How cool.

    Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

  7. Dear Jim,
    You seem to be enjoying each others company very much.
    That's a good foundation for team work. And what an important work you are practicing.
    I function best in a class where I am allowed to have my own opinion. Discussions can be pretty hot, when and where I'm challenged as a student.

    I find more blue on the picture (carpet, cars outside, sky), but neither of you seem to have got any form of blues.
    A relaxed and friendly bunch with no need of a hole in the wall.
    From Felisol

  8. Cute title, looks like a fun group of men!

  9. aw mr. jim...for sure and your jacket is blue but there are also many other different shades of blue in this wonderful photo of you and your christian friends!
    the blue blinds with the bright sun scattering its shadows all over the shiny table, the blue chair covers of which four are hidden from view because they are being covered by four guys, one sporting the blue jacket.
    the rug is blue and i can't be sure whether the truck outside is blue or not and i also can't be sure of how many pairs of blue eyes are smiling into the camera!
    and although it is hidden from the picture there is one blue hound doggie who is sitting at home again while her granddaddy is dining out AGAIN!!...hahahaha!
    love terry

  10. oh and the table itself is turquoise blue!

    mr. jim, you know how much i like posts about sunday school and i was so happy to read this post of yours.
    you know you ARE a teacher of elderly people and i was a teacher of three and four year olds and you know what i found mr. jim?
    i found that more than once those students taught me a few good things and i imagine your "kids" have thrown in the odd gem to you too!! terry jim, trish has made one good post about her sunday school class over at the sisters and you know you are always welcome over there, eh?

  11. I bet you're a great teacher

    the light and cars outside the window cast a bluish tint

  12. I love this post, Jim, especially since you talk about different teaching styles. I'm a visual learner, so I tend to favor that a bit while not downplaying the other styles.

    I had a few teachers in high school and college that I'll never forget, and I use some of their methods, too. What's really rewarding is when a former student will visit me and tell me I've influenced them in some small way.

    And the food. Always the food! I'm hungry again.

  13. Sounds like a great place to get together for food and discussion/fellowship!
    I'll bet you do a great job with the class Jim. It's good that you can switch around and that keeps everyone interested and gives each of you a break too.

  14. i like to teach my high priests in priesthood meeting and they get a hoot out of me and it IS NOT by teaching false doctrine which would get their ears tickled but just by animating myself to the class and they making me a brunt of their jokes, but they do learn things
