
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Lollipops, Lily Pads, and Laxatives — My Alphabe-Thursday — "L" — Things in a Row — Two Questions — MidWeek Blues

"L" is for LolliPops, Lily Pads, and Laxative Pills and Potients.


Things I didn't get a picture of?   KP with her Lollipop.
When I went to the bank, at the drive in window, the teller there offered and gave KP a Lollipop. KP was very proud of that Lollipop.
The large 'all day sucker' type Lollipops on the stand were at the Dilan's Candy Bar
candy shop in the Galleria Mall in Houston.  KP wasn't there, neither was Mrs. Jim or Karen, so I came out of that store with only the pictures.  No candy.
I took the pillar sales pole picture for Pat of Thursday's Things in a Row as well as being an "L" word, but she is out this Thursday on holiday.
[click on any picture for a larger sized view].....
Things I didn't get a picture of? KP feeding the fishes, turtles, and ducks.
We went to the 'park.'  KP loves to go to the park.  To her that means a playground park.  Our park has a little playground that passes her test. 
I did get this nice picture of the Lily pad in the park.  That is what we call them, Mrs. Jim and I, with the flower being a water Lily.  Technically they are Yellow Water Lily, Mexican Water Lily, or Nymphaea Mexicana.
Another picture I didn't get?  Yes, there was (not) one.  A couple of weeks ago when I was playing golf with the guys, my ball went in a little pond.  And guess what?  My ball was sitting on a large floating Lily pad
But no picture, my camera was in the golf cart over on the cart path.  [In the pictures below, note the pond's water in the little half moon window.]
"L" is for Laxative. For my semi-annual cardio checkup yesterday I had to give a blood sample, take a stress test while waking and running on the treadmill, and have my body's arteries checked by sonogram. 
I passed all three tests but not exactly with a perfect score. But pretty good considering. The Laxative? It went along with no food after midnight, etc, parts.
— The display sales post full of all day suckers was posted here especially for Pat's Things in a Row. .But she is absent.  So ... ?  (Enjoy it anyway.)
— I posted for Alphabe-Thursday 'L' assignments with Miss Jenny at the head of the class. You can find her by clicking here.
Nothing solid for MidWeek Blues this week but most all pictures have a smattering of blue (blue sky counts).  Click the here for more.
Thursday Two Questions: (See Thursday Two Questions by Self Sagacity for more reading. You could also make your own by checking in at this link.)
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My Two Questions for this week (you can answer just one if you wish):

1. What is your Lollipop story?  Everyone has one.
2. What is your Lily pad tale?

Bonus Question: Rumored possible government regulation of Laxatives, what would be any possible benefit of that be to you?


  1. Dear Jim,
    Such Candy always brings back memories (smile). All the photos are nice but the ones with the little girl is most beautiful. Thanks for sharing my friend.

  2. Jim, it sounds like you have had some pretty hectic days lately. Medical procedures and time with your little KP. Not to mention the brave resistance to temptation by lollipops! Thos photos certainly made me remember all the yummy little flavors one could try! Lovely post!

  3. Love your lilypads. I posted on lilies this time... Glad you didn't ask us for our laxative stories! I'm a nurse and probably could do without some of those memories! LOL!

  4. My first thought is the candy store and you not buying anything - how did you do that - my grandson would make me!!!

    He loves the little DumDums too - from the bank.

    And your ball on the lily pad was kind of amazing.

    You were busy this week writing all of this.

    I have had no experiences with lily pads - except a great story how they multiply so fast.

    And lollipops - if that were the only candy on earth - I'd be skinny!


  5. You know there is another option. Put on where the comments are moderated before they are allowed on the blog. Then you can decide and have the control what goes on the comments and what does not.


  6. 1. Don't have a story. Don't like lollipops.

    2. Don't have a lily pad story either.

    3. I know nothing about the government controlling laxatives.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. No word verification. Awesome!

  8. I had a couple of friends years ago who used Dum Dum pops to help them quit smoking. They both gave up smoking but then discovered they were hooked on lollipops. Lollipops remind me of the old song.

    No Lilly pad stories, I can't remember the last time I saw one.

    Bonus question: makes no difference to me one way or the other.

  9. I love chocolate tootsie pops. And orange. Ok grape too!

    Lilypads are lounge chairs for frogs and we have a chorus of them here every night.

    Bonus question: Are you sh*ttin' me? Nah..... For real?? Don't tell my mister that.

  10. I love the lollipops that has bubble gum in it. When I used to eat it, I would bite off all the candy to get to the gum. haha
    I am not a fan of lily-pads but they look great where they belong.
    I did not know about the government controlling the laxatives, gees.
    I hope you stay healthy and always happy. best, amanda

  11. LOL ( for Alphabet Thursday "L"....always throw the word LAXATIVE into your blog post title to be sure that people click on it
    HA HA LOVE ( L Word ) it :)

  12. I love your colorful photos. You have such a wonderful variety. I remember eating those all day suckers a few times, and the tummy ache later. :-) You need a frog to sit on your lily pad and a fair maiden to kiss him.

    Laxatives are like medicine and should only be taken when needed by why regulate? Abuse can cause harm but so could a dozen other things, like too many all day suckers. :-)

  13. I love lollipops! I remember as a child, my parents would buy on occasion those large spiraling type like in your photo. I could make mine last forever or so it seemed. My DH has similar memories. We instilled the same fondness of lollipops in our own kiddos. They were always so fascinated with beautiful colors and size. I still like lollipops of sorts, but mostly suckers as they are smaller. My favorite is a Tootsie Pop. Yum!

    I think lily pads are so lovely. I can almost imagine a little princess sleeping afloat on one of these in a little pond. Perhaps, her prince a big old Toad will come to her rescue and carry her away on his back.

    This has been a likeable Alphabe-Thursday & 2Q post! ^.^

  14. Sorry Jim, but:

    1. Don't have a story for lollipops.

    2. Don't have a lily pad story either.

    Have a great day!

  15. Glad you are having fun with your KP. She is lovely.

    I am yet to see a real life water lily. I really want to.

    Lollipop story? Only how the banks and dentists and docs and schools keep offering my kids lollipop. I'd rather they give my kid a book, pencils etc.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  16. laxatives sure come in handy

    Zimbabwe’s Lion Encounter

  17. I love dum dums! My favorite flavor is the new fruit punch!

  18. What a grouping of L words!
    quite fun!
    I think it takes some talent to hit a ball so it lands on a lilypad.
    a lilypad story? I'm thinking of an activity at a local amusement park that we used to take the kids to. You had to walk across the water on lilypads that were moving--rather challenging.

  19. I've always been a sucker for a good lollipop! (pun intended)..And I love the shot of the lily pond. Fun post, Jim!

  20. Jim! My Grandlittles love when the bank hands out lollipops. The girls are always annoyed when I use the ATM ! ha!

    I can't even imagine a golf ball landing on a lily pad without sliding off! have willpower. Not buying candy. ACCCCKKK!!!!

    Laxative stories. Sigh. Getting ready for the colonscopy testing is always such a ... ummm... bother. I hope everything is going okay with you, though, and that this is mostly routine testing!

    Thanks for a fun link for the letter 'L'.

    I always enjoy visiting you and your family!

