
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Two Shoes Tuesday # 13 -- "Promise"

Do you remember any promises you were made while growing up? I do not.

Many will remember promises that were broken.Perhaps a promise of a certain gift or maybe a privilege to be granted upon reaching a certain age. None of that for me.

Perhaps a promise that was fulfilled? Something that you were the only kid on the block. You may remember the waiting with eager expectation. Not me.

Then how about more recent times? Do you remember what you were promised in your spouse's wedding vows? For my first marriage I do not.

But my wife of 39 years I remember the shocked look on her face, when in front of God and all those witnesses, Mrs. Jim promised to "to love, cherish, and obey" me as long as long as we both are alive.

I hold her to these vows, wouldn't you? It's a good deal!


O once I was free as a bird.
Came along a pretty pullet,
changed me then--a roosting fellow,
a bird who is no longer free.
Now each night I'm in at seven.
I share her table and her nest.

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Photos and Poem Copyright
© 2012 Jimmiehov

All Rights Reserved

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This posting is for this week's round of Two Shoes Tuesday... a place to share what we enjoy doing most... writing! Each week we have a one-word writing prompt and are asked by Josie to share a short story, poem, essay, thought, or photo relating to that topic. 

The writing prompt for Tuesday, November 27th,
in honor of Tuesday after  Thanksgiving, is "promise"
Find Josie's list of participants here:


  1. I'm glad they took the obey part out of my vows. Times have changed any many are great changes. Many are not.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. I loved this Jim! It is true that as we get older most of the promises of past, rather kept or broken, no longer seem significant enough to remember. What's done is done. I do recall however opting to exclude the "obey" portion of my vows to my third husband, and that was a good choice, as his plan for life would have lead me right along with him into the abyss. I can't says I obey my beloved Papa Bear now either, he would tell you if he was being honest that "contrary" is my middle name. :-))

  3. There is extraordinary comfort in the wedding vows which although not fully comprehended at the time do truly bind one to another. The obey part is somewhat sexist and inappropriate now and I believed dropped from most ceremonies however the realization that once married you are indeed a team does strengthen the ties between you. Your nest poem was a delight too!

  4. "Promise" is a very simple but powerful word. It holds nothing or everything, depending on the person who uttered the promise. Little kids remembered every promise made to them. It's very good if the adults fulfilled them too. HaHa!

    Thank you so much for sharing this post with us, Dr Jim :)

  5. You know honestly I don't remember what I promised or he promised. It was 39 years ago for us too. And we got married in a Catholic church and I was Methodist - so I don't remember! You sure do though. sandie

  6. as long as you are happy... I don't think it matters who obeys whom....
