
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Yellow Day at School ~~ Warm Heart Wednesday No. 025

Our granddaughter, KP, had a "wear yellow day" at school today.  In the picture she has on a nice yellow blouse and is just out her door, in the neighbor's driveway on her way to school.
We had a little problem figuring our exactly why the kids were to wear yellow.  All that KP could tell us was that it was "Wear Yellow Day" because it was an "Essential Elements Day."  Okay. Essential elements of human character it was.
We asked the crossing guard why it was 'wear yellow.'  She had received an e-mail couldn't remember what the essential elements the first grade would be studying.  She only remembered she was to wear yellow.

On the way home we asked some more and finally learned that the essential element they would be studying today was "Courage". 

Sort of an oxymoron to us as we always associated the 'trait' of yellow as being cowardly. Okay.

All of the finding out process and the asking others along our way to and from school gave us our Warm Heart feeling.
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The Fine Print:  Warm Heart Wednesday for the week of May 4.  Click here, , for links of others or for directions to join with a post of your own. There Ms. Jenny is our teacher.


  1. Why not yellow, of course it doesn't suit everybody, next time suggest "multicolor" that's for every purpose :) !

  2. I never knew yellow was for courage either - still if it makes the kids think more deeply about what they are studying! I remember some of these school ideas being a right headache figuring out something suitable for the kids to wear. Your Grand daughter looks great in her yellow top and has obviously taken it in her stride!
    Wren x

  3. Courage and yellow just don't seem to go together, but it's a new day and a new way.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. KP is so blessed to have the two of you to walk her to school each day! Those will be precious memories to her in years far down the road! I think yellow gets a bad rap, it is a color of beauty, sunshine, and joy - one of my two favorites along with purple. KP looked lovely in her yellow blouse, even if connecting it to the theme of the day was a big puzzling. :-)
    Visit me at Josie's Journal

  5. Well, that is a new color/trait combination for me. Of course, I was thinking of the element sulfur.

  6. Yellow is a bright, cheerful color to me. I don't immediately think courage, but I probably will now. KP seems full of energy!

  7. What a sweet shot. Yellow is a bright and cheerful color indeed. You've inspired me to write a post. Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for coming by.
    Nice to visit with each other again. Jenny left a sad post this afternoon. She'll be leaving us for a while due to her health. She'll be missed.
