
Friday, June 24, 2016

~~ Friday’s Hunt v1.26 -- "Z" is for ...

Friday’s Hunt for the week of June 24th
1. Starts with Z
2. Week's Favorite
3. Today

1.  The letter "Z" is for Zigzag. Hardly anything in this world is straight. It curves or is irregular. One of the more common irregular routing takes form as Zigzag

The fence above is a Zig Zag fence (my name for it). This type of fence is free standing and the posts do not have to be dug in for it to stand up even under the very strong winter winds.  These fences are common along the roads around Telluride, Colorado, where this picture was taken. 

On our recent cruise (NYC to London) we were starting with the 'great circle' concept which provides the shortest distance.  But we had to deviate and Zigzag some for passenger safety.  The most notable of these was jogging to the south and east to get around an iceberg field off the coast of Newfoundland.  Even though we traveled wide open to catch up, that detour made us three hours late into Reykjavik, Iceland. 

2.  This week's favorite is in memory, of my recent travels, of London.  The garden pictures are ones I too while visiting Regents Park.  We walked there from Oxford Square. 

The 'Ferris Wheel' is the famed Big Eye along the Thames, which is also the river in that picture.  It was a fun walk down from Vauxhall.

[click on any picture for large view, click again for larger yet.  Back button returns]

3.  Today, our back yard garden and pool

Today completes the alphabet from A to Z.  I've done them all, I hope Teresa will start us over. 
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The Fine Print:
 - Teresa of Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt.  Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter.


  1. WOW! what a gorgeous pool. I'll be over soon for a swim!! Sounds like you had a great time in London and I love the zig Zag fence. There are none like that here in N. Ireland. I have published now so hope you will pop in so untill next week, I hope you had a wonderful one.

  2. Zigzag does it! Quite the trip! Splash!

  3. Wow, what a great backyard and pool. Living large.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Jim Thanks for visiting me. Now to answer your question, Clandeboye is only open to the public once a year and I have made 12 posts about the 3 hours I spent there starting with no 1 and this is the link if you missed any of them.

  5. London is my hometown, but it has been many years since I have been there. Your pool looks welcoming on these hot and humid days we are having. Enjoy!

  6. Jim, Great shots. The pool in the backyard looks welcoming, the London Eye sure looks big, and the facts about zig zag fences was very interesting. I've seen them in eastern Canada. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  7. What a nice zigzag ! London looks very familiar to me, I am there at least once a year !

  8. I was thinking of that very Z word when get to Z. Hee Hee. Ah...great minds thinking alike! Great photos and wonderful share. Enjoy your day Jim and Mrs. Jim. xo

  9. I just can't see those zig zag fences keeping much livestock in. I'm thinking cows could knock it over easily. Maybe I'm wrong. Love the images from London. How I would dearly love to travel some day. Your pool looks quite inviting! We will certainly be starting over next week! Thanks so much for joining in. Have a great week!

  10. Your backyard is so pretty. Do you use the pool a lot? I've never wanted a pool because I don't know how to swim! I'd hate to have someone fall in and then I couldn't rescue them.

    Enjoyed your London pictures.
