
Friday, September 09, 2016

~~ Friday’s Hunt v.2.11 -- "K" is for ...

Friday's Hunt for the week of September 9th is:  (1) Starts with "K"; (2) Week's Favorite; and (3) Yellow or Gold

First, last week's vote:
1st _The Little Rabbit_(click here)
2nd _The Watermelon__(click here)
3rd _1937 Ford Advertisement_(here)_and_(Tie)_The Toad Stool_(here)
5Tt _The Indifferent Smart Alek Owl_(click here)

(1) Starts with "K" : Kind of Korny here today.  Two choices:

First, Kansas.  Only this ain't Kansas, it's going to be Louisiana.  It is just around the bend, for hundreds of miles.

Second, Keyhole views
 - The first two (left, below) are from the upstairs in our church.  That's Second Baptist Church Houston, 1463 Campus (link)
 - The lower picture is looking our back window, across the back porch, of our house.  The big bird-like creature swimming there is a giant pool toy Swan.

Now you know?
[click on pictures for larger viewing size]

(2) Week's Favorite:  Monday here in the U.S. was Labor Day. 
In honor of Labor Day Mrs. Jim wanted to do something American so we had a hamburger

We went to a Sandwich and Drink like place, Willies', Willie's Grill & Icehouse.  Most Texas ice houses are in a place where the front or side doors are garage type and will open into a garden seating and eating area.  Not Willie's, it has an open wall to the outdoor eating area.  We ate inside.

Mrs. Jim had a coupon for hamburgers and fries (French fries) for $5.00 a plate.  I had a cheeseburger, it was 50c more.  They made up for this a little bit, as fountain drinks were $2.29 each. 
A man in the party across from us had "Texas Tea."  On the way out I asked what Texas Tea was, she said a shot and a half vodka mixed with lemonade. 

When we got home I looked on the menu and found that the Vodka they used was "Deep Eddy Sweet Tea Vodka (link)."  I haven't had Texas Tea and probably won't ever.  Our neighbor introduced us to the "Arnold Palmer" though, it is non-alcoholic, half lemonade and half ice tea, which tastes quite good to me.

(3) Yellow or Gold:  It's a Yellow late 70's model Chevy Super Vette Barby Car that was our daughters when she was young.  It was an electric, 2 D Cells, 'remote control on a wire.' The car now has a problem, probably a wire open or came loose, that affects the steering.

It isn't real special but it and the pumpkins rate the top shelf place in the hall closet.  Toilet paper isn't that special to rate top shelf, but it may come in handy when the hall powder room runs low on paper.  It is right across the hall and has no shelf or drawer space.  That is subject to change but it will involve a carpenter's help.  I don't remember what the black plastic thing is and I'm not at home right now to look.
_ _ _ _ _ 

The Fine Print:
 - Teresa of 
Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt.  Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter.


  1. Jim, your backyard pool with the swan floater looks like paradise to me. What a gorgeous spot. And palm trees too! Wow! I'm envious! Can't grow that in this climate! The Arnold Palmer sounds like the home-made iced tea that I make - I use lemonade (frozen) concentrate in it. Very refreshing in summer.

  2. No, you surely aren't in Kansas! I love your backyard too, so peaceful and relaxing! The Barbie car reminded me of ones that we had, though they didn't run. Toilet paper can be high priority,especially if the bathroom runs out and you need it, and I'd say if you got a good hamburger for $5 you were doing great, enjoy! No Texas tea for me either, just plain ol' iced tea tastes pretty awesome on hot summer days! Great post, Jim!

  3. Love your swimming pool and swan and that car is cute. don't think I have ever taken a shot with a toilet rool in it Jim. Yours gave me a laugh. food looks good. I hope you will pop in and see mine collections of shot this week so have a lovely week ahead

  4. Jim, you cover this well, please order me a burger!

  5. I, too, want to hang out by the pool. I, also, wouldn't mind a really good burger.

  6. Hi Jim, Just a response to your comment on my blog - we live in New Brunswick, but just at the border between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, so not inland. I grew up in Halifax and my parents still live there so we visit often - it's about a 2 hour drive. I hope you enjoyed your visit there. Your idea of getting scooters is great - my in-laws just got matching scooters this past year and they love them and use them all the time for trips.

  7. I love the swan. Gave me a big smile. And now I want a cheeseburger.

  8. Your backyard is very beautiful. I'm not surprised.

    I love that burger and fries. You know how I love your food posts.

    I wouldn't have the Texas Tea either. I've heard of the Arnold Palmer though.

    Have a fabulous day Jim. ☺

  9. The Arnold Palmer sounds good. I never would have thought to combine lemonade and ice tea. Your backyard looks so nice with the pool. I've never wanted a pool because I don't know how to swim! They're sure pretty to look at though.

  10. You have such a sweet backyard, Jim, lucky for you that swan isn't one of the live hissing kind. Nothing like a burger and fries and demon sugar in liquid form. They certainly do get you on the price of a Coke, but what goes better than that with a burger and fries. Hope you had an enjoyable Labor Day.

  11. the swan! I think I could go jump in and swim with her! And hamburgers, fries and a coke. How much more American can you get!!! Great post. Have a great week!

  12. To do something American and eat a Hamburger is good, lol ! Never heard of Texas Tea, the poor Wodka drowning in tea ! Our labour day is on May 1st !

  13. Hi Jim! Arnold Palmer, a quite delightful and refreshing drink! Cheers! When Starbucks first came into play my son ordered one for me there. A nice change.
    Watching some football with my hubby. Trying to catch up at the blog. I tweeked my back a few weeks ago then the road trip to Kansas did not help matters. But as Bette Davies once said "Old age ain't for sissies!" Amen! I just try to keep moving.
    Burgers and Cokes and fries, oh yum! When we visited Ls Vegas last year we paid about $20 for a burger at a joint owned by the Food Network dude Guy Fiery! Not the best CS we ever had and the burger was meh....I will take a fresh cooked Sonic burger over that pricey stuff anytime! I try to stay away from COke but hard to beat with a burger or some tasty Mexican food! Ole!
    Have a great week Mr. and Mrs. Jim!


  14. I had to laugh at your image for Kansas. Very creative. I love that swan! It would be great fun in the pool. Glad you enjoyed your Labor Day with something truly American. Nice Corvette! Thanks so much for joining in Friday's Hunt. Hope you have a great week!

  15. Hi, Jim, I missed doing last week's letter. I "saw" you at Anne's Phamilyblog so I thought I'd come be and say How do? I love your Kansas photo. hahaha. I cannot imagine the taste of lemonade and iced tea together. I generally avoid drinking iced tea because it gets me very jittery and sometimes feeling paranoid, but that latter feeling may be because I associate drinking iced tea somewhere in Wyoming and the people staying in the next door hotel room were having a big old fight. Ha, see, I sound jittery and haven't even drunk iced tea. The vodka and lemonade concoction sounds like limoncello, a liqueur from Italy. Hmmm, maybe I have something for Teresa's meme tomorrow.

  16. Hi Jim
    Thanks for your understanding words about our elderly Lindy. I can hear her snoring right now. She has positioned herself between the kitchen and the living room so she will be available for cuddles, no matter who comes through. We both adore her, but she's a daddy's girl, no doubt about that. We treasure each moment we have with her. —K
