
Friday, September 22, 2017

~~ Friday’s Hunt v.4.12 -- "L" is for ...

Friday's Hunt for the week of September 22nd: 
(1) Starts with "L"; (2) Landscape; and (3) Key:

(1) Starts with "L": .
"L" is for LollipopsLaxative Pills and Landscape.


Things I didn't get a picture of?   KP with her Lollipop.
When I went to the bank, at the drive in window, the teller there offered and gave KP a Lollipop. KP was very proud of that Lollipop.
The large 'all day sucker' type Lollipops on the stand were at the Dilan's Candy Bar
candy shop in the Galleria Mall in Houston.  KP wasn't there, neither was Mrs. Jim or Karen, so I came out of that store with only the pictures.  No candy.

[click on any picture for a larger sized view].... 

"L" is also for Laxative. For my semi-annual cardio checkup yesterday I had to give a blood sample, take a stress test, the chemical EKG kind, that makes you breath hard, and also have my heart and body's arteries checked by both sonogram and a chemical dye PET Scan. 
I passed most tests but not exactly with a perfect score.  My blood pressure dropped down to 30 and they stopped the chemical stress EKG.  Stressed for sure.  But pretty good considering. 
The Laxative? It went along with the no coffee or dark drink 24 hours preceding the tests, no food after midnight, etc., parts of testing.

(2) Landscape: Another walk picture.  This morning Mrs. Jim and I spotted this hot air balloon drifting to the west over the neighborhood Landscape

The broad expanse here is a part of our Cinco Ranch flood retention 'Green Area' reserve. 

The ponds were brimming full but that stopped before the water rose into any homes.  We did have 40 plus inches of rain in three or four days. 

The water was well over this little bridge where we walked this morning. 

BTW, a fellow walker said the company having the balloon flew about every other day and took paying passengers.  At $150, a pop.  Mrs. Jim said that wasn't on her bucket list.  It is on mine, but written very faintly.

(3) Key: One of the Keys to healthy living is to eat light.  Our daughter picked several of these cans of Light Coke up, either from the airline lounge or from their visit to London and Milan and surrounding areas. 

Over there they do not sell my favorite, "Diet Coke".  
I could not read my picture of the 'contents' to check out how really healthy this light was. Also I need the ingredient, 'Aspartame' to help my 'Meloxicam' pill help me sleep through the night with my shoulder pain.

I was going to have some unpublished before pictures of our Key West but this isn't the place I wish to put them.  Perhaps for my "W" word entry.  

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The Fine Print: 
 - Teresa of Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt. Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The signing in link opens at 7pm Friday Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm." You can read others' posts there any time.


  1. I love the airballoon shot....secretly, I would like to do it as well but at $150 a pop and since I would need a hand to hold as well...It will have to remain a secret dream. I like your take on 'key'....I had to think out of the box as well but I am interested to hear about the aspartame....personally, I keep well away from the stuff!

  2. We bought our mom a balloon ride for her 65 birthday. Mom and my youngest sister's MIL shared the ride. 39 years ago it was still $75 for the ride. I do diet drinks, too. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Jim life is too short to put the hot air ballon FAINTLY on your budket list. Just do it. Love the landscape shots. I keep away from Aspartame and have done research into a diet Sia type drinks and they have been know to casue brain tumours. HAve a wonderuf weekend Jim.

  4. ...laxative Pills? Just eat a couple apples a day, my friend!

  5. Wow, that blood pressure was way low. Wow. When we get older we tend to see the doctor often. I know hubby and I do. I'm guessing it will be more and more as we age.

    I'd never ride in a hot-air balloon. Never. Scare me to pieces.

    Have a fabulous day, Jim. ☺

  6. You should've left the store with some candy - you deserve a treat after the 40" of rain in SE Texas! Laxatives - well, aging gives us a need for some (I am not immune either :) Lovely Lone Star landscapes!

  7. My parents went in hot air balloon ride once and they loved it. My mom said it wasn't as scary as she thought it would be. I would still be very scared because I don't do well with heights. Those are enormous lollipops at that store, and so colourful! Your landscape shots are beautiful - what a great place to walk.
