
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Excerpts from Terry, and her request granted this evening

I am in the process of writing about the trials and tribulations Amber experienced when she was going through adapting to the strict disciplinarian (me)(link to strict disciplinarian info) at Jim's house. In the meantime, this little blog may be interesting to you.

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Previously I wrote:

"Her name is Amber, she is Adi's little sister who lives with Karen and Billy. Amber will be a long term guest with Adi, Mrs. Jim, and me. "

Well, early this morning Terry (link to Terry's blog) wrote. She loves kitties and has a warm place for Amber. Back in February she claimed to have kept Adi (link) [see her picture below]


and Amber (link) when they sneaked into Canada! [The excerpt of what she wrote in the comment is posted below.]

Terry requested I place the cat flushing the toilet YouTube on again. I believe she wants it for Amber to watch while she is at our computer checking my blogs. [see it below]

Here's Nora, The Piano-Playing Cat:

Isn't this nice. If you can't hear it then go here:


Note: Excerpt of Terry's comment on my blog--(link to March 28 blog)

Terry said...
Hey Amber!! So nice to see you again.

I sure hope you didn't get jet lag when Adi flew you and your buddies home.
I trust that you will lose a little of that weight that you put on here..I never saw such a thing.
The way you were stuffing yourself with that food, it looked like your mama never fed you a day in your life! [Jim here: now Terry, that Amber eats four time a day at our house or Karen's']
Although we sorely miss you, we sure do appreciate that we don't have to get up so early every morning now!
Five AM is NOT the Canadian way.
I really think that it was annoying your sister Adi too.
Her Grampa usually lets her sleep in until ten every morning.

I slipped an extra pack of kitty treats into Adi's hat, and I hoped that they wouldn't arrest her at the border for smuggling, but by the looks of your grampa Jim's blog, I guess you all made it home!

Well it is getting pretty late so I will have to say goodbye for now and hope you won't be missing your mama, Karen too much..

If things get a little boring Amber, just tell your grampa Jim that you want to see that video he has of a piano playing cat.....Love from your Canadian hostess, Terry

PS Shopper's nose is finally in joint again.
I never knew that a cat could get so jealous!!Hi Jim and Adi!!

Tue Apr 03, 01:13:09 AM CDT


  1. Terry, this post is per your request. I hope it is ok.
    Thanks for checking on me today.
    We had a doctor appointment in Houston today so I did this blog tonight [4-3-07] when we got home.

  2. I am sure Terry is very happy that Adi brought Amber home. She didn't like the 5 AM wake-up from Amber, either. Of course, I am sure there were no complaints from Amber about the cat treats in Adi's hat!

  3. Four times a day!!
    And for sure that Amber ate once a day here...ALL DAY!!..Love Terry

    Karen where ya' gallivanting off to? ..leaving that poor little Amber behind!!
    You better realize that her gramma and grampa Jim and her sister, Adi will have her thoroughly spoiled by the time you get back!!.....Love Terry

  4. Amber is truly loved isn't she!! Hope she survives the strict disciplinarian issues at your house Jim!!

    Loved that piano playing cat again!! Very cute!!
