
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Forty-five years of marriage!

That's right, my sister-in-law and her husband (Velma and Royce) are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary today! How in the world did they manage that? (They are the couple on the left in this picture below from last year)


I didn't ask that question, instead I asked Velma what her favorite Bible verse was.

Her answer to that one? She and Royce put their heads together and came up with this one. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Did this apply to their happy marriage also? Yes indeed, they are an excellent witness to the Christian life including their marriage.

You see, they and their marriage are blessed by the love of Christ! Being married to each other for forty-five years was for them to live the love of Christ towards each other.

They are also blessed with three loving children and their spouses and five loving grandchildrean! God has indeed blessed this couple.


Philippians 4:13, King James Version


  1. Gday Jim. Happy 45th wedding Anniversary to the happy couple. I was married 45 years to my hubby before his passing nearly 4 years ago..

    Btw, Hope you got new Binnoculars for Fathers day.. Fathers day here is 1st Sunday in September..

  2. Jim, you can add my congradulations also. TF and I will be married 37 years next month. See ya in a couple of weeks.

  3. Happy 45th to them!!!
    I wish them many more happy years of wedded bliss.

  4. Oh, I did enjoy this post this morning.

    Jim and I have only been married for 22 years but 45 is sure our goal.



    I don't remember how long you and Mrs. Jim have been married?

  5. Hi Jim ~~ Congrats to Royce and Velma
    on their 45th anniversary. Well done. Hope you had a great Father's Day Jime. Glad you had some family visit and glad you all had a nice buffet together. I liked your story about son and father being confused as brothers. Not sure if it was you or just a story? Take care,
    Regards, Merle.

  6. Congratulations to them!!

    I'm glad you are coming to blogstock!

    Did you get what you wanted for Father's Day???

  7. Happy Anniversary to your friends, Jim! :)

  8. Happy anniversary and many continued blessings for Velma and Royce!

  9. you went to my very 1st post??wow, what love

  10. Jeanette, I don't know if I will live long enough to hit 45.

    Lucy, we will be in Fredericksburg that evening. I plan to test earlier.

    Jamie D, thank you.

    Lori, we have been married 35 years.

    Merle, the brother story is for real. Dad was getting the compliment.

    Rachel, yes, but not the big ear. Little ears will probably come before that big ear.

    Thank you Teach, they read this blog. Not always the comments though.

    Janell, isn't that wonderful. I talked with cousing Dwain J. this evening. He and Jean are your neighbors.

    Putz, isn't that what you asked me to do. It was an interesting post.
