
Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Y'all!

Generally I tell my kids that I don't need any presents, just give or send me a card.

This time is different, I finally found something I don't have and really do need. I hope it is not too late for the kids to take up a collection and get it here.

I have most everything, Mrs. Jim got me these about 30 years ago.

They sit here, on our serving bar. They sure are handy sitting right here!

What do you think I do and see with them?

A little hint, click on the 'backyard' picture to see what the binoculars might help with. The golfers, of course! They make wonderful viewing. All those backyard cookouts can be pretty interesting.

If I could only what they were saying! And perhaps listen to the golfers little, some of their utterances might be "R" rated.

To the rescue! A BIG EAR! Should I put up a warning sign on our back porch saying: "Notice: These premises use survielence devices, you could be seen or heard from the occupants. Use caution in your speech and actions accordingly."

And, I could take my big ear to the woods. What do the squirrels have to say today? And the deer and rabbits?

1. Bottom two pictures from the seller of the DetectEarParabolic Spy Microphone, Aaron Greggory Vehicle Tracking & Spy Equipment. Web link
2. I think some sellers do have a privacy infringement notice but I could not find one today on the Internet. Maybe it's OK without my sign.


  1. Happy Father's Day, Jim. I think your kids should launch you a spy satellite. I'd even pitch in a sawbuck.

  2. Hey Doug, this is pretty nice of you. That is two percent of the $499.99 big ear cost assuming it is an on-line order with no sales tax.
    They might go for that, they 'stretch their pennies' like the old man does his.

    I wouldn't allow the spy satellite, I am saving my satellite money for my ash depository after I'm creamated.
    I might have to put out some more hints depending on the kids' finances.

  3. I'd say if you could hear them that you would indeed hear some R rated words!!

  4. isn't that i a nice idea, to have all your father's day presents on a table from the last 30 years, and did you read my piece especially for you to research on the first blog on barlow putz??????

  5. Ha, Ha, tee, hee, snort!!

    I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day!!

  6. Whoa, Jim, watching and listening! Great hobbies for retirees! :)

  7. Hope you had a Happy father's day, J. Did you get your ear?

  8. Rachel, I had been wanting one of these for quite a while, then I forgot about it until this year.

    Putz, I generally opt for a card but always get nice presents. Everyone tries to get me to look nicer in a golf shirt that they have found.

    Seeker, yes that is a green pig. It is solid jade from China. It cost $2.00 (maybe just $1.00) in over there.
    I raised pigs in high school for FFA, I still have soft spot for them.
    There is a brown mama pig that the vet gave me when I was a boy, its picture and a story should go on the blog.

    Jamie D, thank you I had a very nice Father's Day. Two kids came up with one Grandkid. Susie, Tim, and Jenna went to church with us and ate with us and a neighbor widow lady, then they all spent the afternoon hanging out over here.

    T. Teach, yes those binoculars come in handy seeing who is playing and how they are hitting (golf balls).

    Janell, no, not yet on the big ear. I am really afraid a little ear or two will come first.

  9. Happy Belated Fathers Day Mr. Jim.
    I wanted to come and wish you one this Sunday but have been so sick the last couple of days that I just laid around and felt sorry for myself.
    It was all I could do to put in a post for Dad Golden..
    Hope you had a real good day because you surely do deserve it!...Love Terry
