
Monday, March 19, 2012


Cabernet Sauvignon! All these! Renew my life! Which one will we tap first?

Not for you, son. Seven months is legal drinking age for rats.

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140 Characters as counted by Design 215
ยต-fiction Story Copyright
© 2012 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved

1. How old is a rat in human years? (link).
2. Cabernet Sauvignon (Link) is a wine using a grape hybrid of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc, and one of the most popular wine grapes in the world.
3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Succinctly Yours. Grandma has now completed one year sponsoring it. I did not start doing these at week one.
°Written for Succinctly Yours – Week 52
°The word of the week, 'renew', and the picture were selected by
°It's posted on her blog, Grandma's Goulash
°Her Rules: Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more.
°Using the word of the week is not required. This week I elected to use it, sort of.
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  1. What a lot you packed into your blog this time! Have you made a study of intoxicated rats?

  2. A special historical note for Grandma: (I left this on her blog)

    "Congratulations, GMa! A whole year! You are doing good with this ‘little’ meme. My only wish is that I would have known you were doing this from the start. I was a regular on Susan’s but didn’t get in on the ground floor there either.

    I liked the picture, my theme popped into my head immediately. A friend (Fred) of mine who was in World War II happened onto a wine cellar in France. The troops were all excited even though there was about six inches of water on the floor.

    That was until they noticed all the dead rats floating around and others staggering around from drinking too much wine that they had tapped into.

    The prompt word, renew was a little harder but it came."

  3. This is so unique, Jim! I'd never have thought of rats in the wine cellar. Clever and funny!

  4. I have to admit this is a little bit over my head - not sure what you are doing. sandie

  5. In regard to your question/comment on my post today, we clear out magazines somewhat regularly, but I know some folks who have stacks and stacks of old magazines.

    I did at least use the word of the week, renew, in the title of my first story! I know it doesn't count as part of the story, unless I say that I've written 140 words or less, which is acceptable to Grandma. I'm just sayin'. (lol)

  6. Hey Jim ~~ I miss Susan's MFM, too. Glad to see it lives on. I'm guessing the rat's son isn't even 6 month's old yet.

    I have a new blog post up. Do you have any ideas on where Peyton Manning might go?

  7. Rats! You are such a savior.Didn't think about that at first!


  8. Yes, and they can be bad enough sober ;-)

  9. I'd like to have one of those barrels, or a warehouse full of them.

  10. Oh! So very clever! Of course rats would have their own drinking age...duh!

  11. My motto is "Wine a little bit, you'll feel better!"

    Jim... regarding your question on MBA... for men it is MANopause Brain Affliction. LOL!

  12. Well you learn something new about rats every single day.

    Have a terrific day Jim. :)

  13. At least Dad is observing the law. LOL And I love a glass of wine now and then, so I don't blame the little guy for looking forward to it. :)

  14. good job once again Jim. and btw, my MIL IS Maxine.

  15. Oh Jim, I'm laughing so hard: "not for you son. 7 months is..."

    Terrific photo and I enjoyed your post. I also love Rinkly Rimes' comment.

  16. I never would have linked wine and rats, but after your comment, I can understand why you did. It made for a great microfiction. I enjoyed your links too, as I had no idea about the lifespan of rats. I could just picture someone checking their I.D. before allowing them to imbibe.

  17. :) rats.. seven months is a long wait for the young one, i am guessing..
