
Friday, June 17, 2016

Transporting means ~~ Friday’s Hunt v1.25-- "Y" is for ...

Topics for the week of June 17th are: 
1. Starts with Y;
2. Week's Favorite; and
3. in my shoes. 


(1) Yellow is for:  Submarine, a Yellow Submarine at that. You can read about this one by Googling "ScotchWables Tidal Power Ltd".  It and it's service boat were parked at the dock with our ship at the Orkney Islands (Kirkwall, Scotland).  The service boat is ownership can be viewed as
(2) This week's favorite: this 'Implematic' model "David Brown 880" tractor. It was parked in the parking lot by the Kirkwall St. Magness Church, Scottish Anglican, garden.  

I have no idea of the tractor's heritage and did not have the time nor the means, wifi time, to check with Google. You may want to shed more light on it in the comments below. 
(3) In my shoes:
.These old shoes have been with me through a lot. They've been to dozens of states and almost as many countries. I once left them in Iowa (link) and had to change my life for a while. 

They've sttod with me, holding me up when I feel like falling. Cheerful, them, they feel sorry for me when I might want to cry. Too, they literally stomp when I heartily laugh. 
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I am still imprisoned but may be 'free' to answer your comments later, fairly soon. 

Update!! Update!!  We came home this evening around 7:30.  We took a cruise from New York City to London, leaving home May 31 and arriving in Dover, U.K. on June 15.  It was very, very, nice.  We rode over on the Pacific Princess ship.

Our ports of call were Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada), three stops in Iceland, and two more in Scotland.  Then we spend two more nights in London and went North to see a couple in Northampton who we had met on another cruise.  I will blog about our travel in the future. 
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The Fine Print:
 - Teresa of Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt.  Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter.


  1. Fantastic cruise Jim. Your yellow submarine reminds me of the Beatles song, We all live in a yellow submarine. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hello, the yellow sub is cool. Your cruise sounds wonderful. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Welcome home. I'm so envious of your trip. Was that one of those cruises where they were moving the ship to a new port? When I was growing up my dad sold life insurance along the docks in NYC. That was when there were ships flying under the American flag and he sold to the crew members. He would go on the SS United States and the SS America. I believe there was even the SS Constitution. Jet travel did them all in. On occasion I went with him and I still remember going on the SS America and seeing the engine room...of all places! One summer we were going to take the United States to Europe. Sadly we didn't go because my mother was afraid. She had so many fears. It was sad.

  4. Neat 'Implematic' model "David Brown 880"

  5. Great items for the prompts. I must say, I'm impressed you left your shoes in the great state of Iowa. Enjoy your travels. Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Have a great week ahead!
