
Friday, July 22, 2016

~~ Friday’s Hunt v.2.04 -- "D" is for ...

For the week of July 22th
1. Starts with D
2. Week's Favorite
3. Summer or Winter

1. Starts with DDogs  Adi, Katrin, and Leashes

Adi was our Beagle dog, she died in September, 2012.  We are still missing Adi, she was my buddy.  Adi and I were a registered Pet Therapy Team, visiting assisted living and Alzheimer's residents and tutoring school children to read better. 
A few bits on my blogs for your reading:
(Adi's Meme Link)
(Adi's Retirement from Service Memo)
(Adi's Place of Service Work)
(A search here of the Word Adi)
As you look at these links, please click on some of the 'Labels' at the end of a post.  Much more Adi will come.

Katrin was our Toy Terrier dog, she died in November, 2014.  We miss her very much also.
Mrs. Jim 'inherited' Katrin when her real mother died of cancer back in 2009.  Basically she has been a very good dog, a lot better for us than for her former owner.  Some links to visit:
(Katrin's episode, "Toothpaste tube demise")
(Adi and Amber go for a walk)
(A search here for the word, 'Katrin')
(A search on my "other blog" for 'Katrin')

Leashes -- Leashes on dogs is a pet peeve of mine.  If there is an ordinance or deed restriction calling for all dogs outside their fenced yard to be leashed, then leash them.
There are other people on the streets and sidewalks besides you!!!
Our granddaughter, KP, is afraid of dogs.  Some children and adults are.

2. Week's Favorite:

Our KP is a pretty fair checker player.  Here she and Mrs. Jim had a little game on one of the boards on the 'waiting porch' of our local Cracker Barrel Restaurant.  KP's next lesson, either from her father or me, seems to be the 'art' of willingness to even trade pieces when you are ahead.
For new visitors, KP is our youngest granddaughter.

3. Summer or Winter:  Live in Texas and play golf year round.

KP had a new set of clubs for Christmas so
she and Mrs. Jim went out and played a few holes.
Some of the grass does brown in the winter, some more than others.

A spring picture
This is the 11th Fairway behind our Montgomery, Texas house. 
This house is for sale as we have moved to Katy, Texas.

 Two Summer pictures.
KP is getting to be a fair golfer now, her shots are straight.
On the right she is practicing her mid range game.
_ _ _ _
The Fine Print:
 - Teresa of 
Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt.  Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm, so you have plenty of time to enter.


  1. I know you miss Adi. We so miss our Little Bit.

    I agree about leashes. Some dogs aren't very friendly and shouldn't be off leash.

    What no lunch photos? You usually have something yummy on these posts.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  2. It's been a while since I played checkers and the colorful board and big checkers make for a good shot. It's awwr that you honor Katrin and Adi. I bet you two were a welcome sight wherever you go.

  3. I think Texas is like Florida... we don't get much of a winter the shots of KP..I never could shoot a straight ball.

  4. Golf year round? I have enough frustration in my life without that!

  5. I didn't know you could trade pieces in checkers. It has been years since I played the game. The Husband doesn't care too much for checkers or chess. He does like to play dominoes. I like the idea of a human-and-dog (or cat if the cat is a willing one) to be a therapy team.

  6. Those dogs really are family. I'm sorry you've lost your furbabies. I used to enjoy playing checkers with my grandpa. If you tied him, you felt pretty good about yourself. I've never been a fan of golf, but the green at Christmas seems pretty good. Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Playing checkers with the grandkids is always fun.
