Wednesday, March 04, 2015

My Alphabe-Thursday (5th), the letter "P" — Some places I've be,en starting with "P"

"P" is for some places, countries and cities starting with the letter "P" where I have traveled:

 - Countries

 - States: (I've been to all 50)
  Large Cities over 100,000 population I've liked:
United States: (larger to smaller)
Philadelphia, PA -- went there to find me another assignment while I was working for Philco Tech Rep Field Engineering.  Eventually I left New Hampshire to come to NASA Houston.
Phoenix, AZ -- went there on the way to Las Vegas, we were driving.  My cousin and her Hubby spends winters there but we haven't connected.
Portland, OR -- I have an aunt who lives there.  We visited her back in the 80's.
Plano, TX -- On the way to Nebraska and Iowa, just north of Dallas.  We never stop there but once we did watch a nephew playing college football.  He was attending a West Texas college at the time.
Providence, RI -- visited the city for half a day, back in the summer of '81 or '82.  We made a month long driving trip from Houston to North Carolina, up through Washington D.C, Philadelphia, New York City, and up to New Hampshire.  Then west to Niagara Falls in Canada, down through Detroit, Iowa and Nebraska (visiting relatives), and back to Texas.
Pasadena, TX -- My first place of residence when we moved to Texas from New Hampshire to work at NASA.  Later I would teach at the San Jacinto College (22 years) at the Pasadena campus.  BTW, I started back to college when I came to Houston and received an Associate of Arts Degree there.

Pasadena, CA -- We went there for the Rose Parade in the early 90's.  We took Mema, Mrs. Jim's mother, with us.  It would be her second and last airplane vacation.

Peoria, IL -- Went to see our grand-daughter while she was doing a summer internship at the Caterpillar factory.  She is now an accountant in Houston but not for the Caterpillar company.
Provo, UT -- we drove through on the way to Oregon to see my grandmother who lived in Oregon.

Pueblo, CO -- Below Colorado Springs, also on I-45 Highway, we mostly traveled through on our way to or from other parts.  Twice we stayed for a retreat at the nearby Glen Eyrie Conference Center nestled up in the foothills of the mountains.

Foreign: (alphabetical order)

Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Paris, France
Prague, Czech Republic
Prato, Italy (suburb of Florence)

So, here goes: 
Paris -- It seems that we were in Paris almost every year since we travelled.  For sure now we haven't been since April, 2013, when our daughter, Karen ran the Paris Marathon. We came to cheer her on.  Going there only involved riding the Chunnel Train over from London to Paris, as most of that Spring we had been in London where Karen and family were living then.

Karen finished her 26 miles that day.  We were real proud of her! These pictures came from Karen's blog, which is now quiet.

Saturday morning we took the Eurostar to cross the English Channel from London to Paris. 

There we boarded a prearranged delivery van to the hotel near the Eiffel Tower. We left her home at five in the morning and were checked into the hotel about ten.

It took several hours for her to pick up her running packet as there was a humongous line. A small problem when she figured out that her passport and driver license were still at the hotel. But a picture credit card was sufficient so really there was not a problem.

The rest of the afternoon we strolled the streets of Paris. Also we ate, of course, at a sidewalk cafe. All told over the two days we stayed I believe that I WALKED twenty-six miles, the length of the Marathon run.

First with Karen's family, BP, Karen, KP, and Billy. Next Mrs. Jim and I with Karen. Like I said, we are real proud of her. She has run several other marathons including the New York Marathon in 2003. Karen mentioned to me that it was twenty years ago that she ran her first in Houston while she was still in high school. 

 - Jenny is now on her tenth series of Alphabe Thursday.  With 52 weeks in a year and 26 letters in the alphabet she is now in her fifth year.  I am linked to her blog, GO HERE for more participants and their offerings.  

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