Friday, February 23, 2007

Adi Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Help solve the case of the missing socks

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Adi said, "I didn't do it." We thought maybe the dryer got them but it turned out that wasn't the case either.
Normally I have three pair of heavy black socks and one blue pair. A pair of the black ones had been missing [AWOL, if you know what I mean] for several months.

That all doesn't sound terrible, but Mrs. Jim does not like me to go to dress-up functions, or even church, wearing my heavy white socks. I have eight pair of those so I did have socks, just not clean dark ones at all times.

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Here are the culprits. Normally my socks don't go in the same drawer as my cut-offs. I vaguely remember putting them in there. SOMEBODY (else) (?) put those shorts over them later.

Even though Adi helped, it was me who found them. It was time to wear warm weather clothing because the weather got up into the eightys Wednesday.

As soon as I picked up those shorts, VIOLA, there were the socks, exposed for everyone to see.

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I'm so glad it's spring again! So is my little Mustang. This was the first warm-weather, top-down, day of 2007.

[I don't want you to worry about that white garage door paint on the bumper. I have some latex paint remover that takes it right off. I've been there before, done that.]
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Adi doesn't get her feelings hurt very often. This time she just scolded me for not believing her when she said she wasn't at fault for those lost socks. And she doesn't want it to happen again!

A nice long ride in the Mustang will make things all better with Adi. And a doggy dish of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mema's Birthday

February 19 was to be her 90th birthday. Every year she would go to the Picadilly Cafeteria in Alexandria to celebrate.

We were in Alexandria, Louisiana. Our jobs were to get her house ready to sell .

For those who didn't know, Mema, Mrs. Jim's mother, died January 16, 2007 (

Since her birthday was generally a work day and all her children lived hours away, her good friend, Jane B, would take her there.

We had been working hard all day taking things to the Goodwill, out to the curb, and to nieces and nephews, calling the A/C fellow and the exterminator, visiting with her old neighbors, and other things of that nature.

About 2:30 in the afternoon we were getting hungry. We decided we would just go to the Picadilly in her honor.

We did the Jim Bunch eating thing again. Mrs. Jim and I, as did Royce and Velma, shared a Mardi Gras special. That was three nice pieces of fried catfish, two vegatables [we had fried okra and baked rice and brocolli], a bowl of seafood gumbo, garlic bread, dessert [Mrs. Jim and I shared a tasty lemon with coconut baked merengue topping], and a Diet Coke. Mrs. Jim and Velma each got their own bowl of gumbo. It was all very good.

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One other mention. Every year since 1999 on Mema's birthday we remember my mother. Mom died on Mema's birthday in 1999.

Some day I will post the very nice eulogy Cliff Morrow composed and read for Mom.

Mom taught the kindergartners in Sunday School for fifty years, Cliff was one of her class members there at the First Baptist Church of Tekamah, Nebraska. Cliff had originally composed and read his memories of Mom at her fifty years service celebration.
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Monday, February 19, 2007

Trail Rides In Spring -- a popular sight in Texas

This looked like trouble ahead. We were in Camilla, Texas, on the way to Louisiana. I was just telling Mrs. Jim that I would like some Texas trail ride pictures this spring. Really though, I wasn't ready for one to be in our lane ahead of us.
This group had come from Beaumont, Texas, and expected to end up in Houston for the Houston Rodeo and Livestock show. That is the world's largest rodeo.
Yes, and Camilla is where that little house was featured in my last May 26 blog (link). Rachel wrote a nice little story about it also.

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Wagons too

We got around just fine. A few of these fellows were acting as traffic directors and stopped traffic one way, then the other, so all could pass. Posted by Picasa

They had some very pretty horses

Most of these weren't real cowboys, they just took a month or so off from their work to ride the trail and see the rodeo. Posted by Picasa

Oops, did I say 'cowboys?'

Yes, ladies old and young ride these trails too. Posted by Picasa

These are a nice pair of mules

Mules are often stuborn but they make very good workers when they are having fun.
According to Wikipedia (link), "In its common modern meaning, a mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. The reverse, the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey, is called a hinny."
For those of you who understand chromosomes, the Wikipedia article goes on to explain the biological differences betwee all these animals.
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Cars have spare tires, race cars have spare engines,

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This bunch had a spare horse.
Not really, that gal riding in the back of the wagon is giving her git-along a rest. However you want to interpret that.

You will never catch me on a trail ride. If I had a friend who rode these, I would ride along with him/her for a day. Maybe even eat with the bunch in the evening.
Then I would head for home while all of them curl up in their RV (motor-home) beds.

There must have been over 75 of those RVs parked outside Coldspring where they spent last night. Guess they will be at the stopping place again tonight.


This lady has side curtains for her rig. Do you suppose she has a propane heater too? Posted by Picasa

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