Friday, March 24, 2017

~~ Friday’s Hunt v.3.12-- "L" is for ...

Friday's Hunt for the week of March 24th: Starts with L; Week's Favorite; and Antique

(1)  Starts with L:  "L" is for Llama. You can help us decide if this animal that I am posed with is a llama or an Alpaca. Mrs. Jim isn't for absolute certain but she thinks it is a an __??__ .  She goes by the Length of its ears and neck and height.  "L" for Long and "L" for Llama.  Not much help, huh?

(2) Week's Favorite:  La Madeleine honored National French Bread Day last  Tuesday (check it out, click here).  All the customers having an La Madeleine App were sent One Free Baguette (large size) with a purchase (really free?).  Each of us had a sandwich salad, coffee and a free Baguette.

(3)  Antique:  This Bombay chest is old but it may or may not be antique.  It is a little shakey and has a small cigar sized hole in one end.  We have had it a long time, Mrs. Jim bought it from a widow lady who was moving to Florida to be near her daughter. 

She also bought six green upholstered dining chairs with Queen Anne legs and brass tacks.  Well, ... there was also a fairly large sitting dog, definitely not antique.  If we have another antique day here and if I remember I will show these items then.

(4)  Starts with L:  Some more

"L" is for Leftovers.  This half my lunch (on the left).  Mrs. Jim had two left over baked and frozen sweet potatoes and a left over small end of a baked pork loin, also frozen, and a left over cabbage, not frozen.  Remember that I had already eaten half of my leftover meal before I remembered to take a picture.

"L" is for Lipsync.  I took this snap above of the Kelly (and friend) Show while they were doing the WINTER LIP SYNC trivia contest on March 23.  I think a lady won a nice trip to a resort.  It may have been to an Arizona Dude Ranch that day. 

The name for this contest because a dancer in a cage-like stage lip sync sings to the music playing of a song that she is dancing to.  This is just before the person is called to answer the trivia question, generally something about the previous day's program or guest.  

You can see the sign behind Kelly and her friend of the day, please forgive the poor quality, but note the sign says "Winter".  Winter ended on Monday, March 20 with the first day of spring.  I.e. we were three days into Spring and the sign had become dated, out of date. I plan to see if they have changed it by next week for Monday's program.

"L" is for Long Life.  (Enlarge to read the article photo I've posted here at the right.) Scientists are beginning to believe that humans have a maxim age, regardless of modern medical advances  They believe that will end up somewhere around age 115.   .                      Do you believe in Science?                  How about the increasing extremes, warming and cooling, of the weather for the next zillion years?  As an ex-rocket science worker, NASA Aerospace Engineer (before leaving to teach), I do for both of these.                                                                           - - - - - 
The Fine Print: - Teresa of Eden Hills, (click) is running this meme, Friday's Hunt.  Her rules are: "Welcome to linkup for Friday’s Hunt. It’s very simple. Anyone can participate. The link opens at 7pm Friday Central time and will close Sunday at 7pm."

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Share Your World -- March 20 Week

Picture from Cee, Share Your World -- March 20, 2017

Here are Cee’s questions for this week. I hope you’ll share your answers, too.

If you did not know how old you were, then how old would you think you were?
I'd think I was nineteen (19).
You've lost your umbrella. Where might it be found?
My umbrella is where I left it the last time I used it. Very likely on the shelf by the house door from the garage. 
Do you recharge your energy by going out with friends for a good time or by spending with quiet time alone?
Neither, I take a nap. It may be a short one or a long one. 
Name three things you and your spouse, partner or best friend to have in common (for me it's Mrs. Jim).
1.  We are both Christians, have been for a long time. I recommend it highly.
2.  We are both naturalized Texas citizens.
3.  We both like to travel. Our last travel was on a Princess cruise starting from L.A. and ending in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
4.  We both love and like to be with our family members, five kids, six grandkids, and two great-grandchildren with another on the way. 
5.  Even though we don't tweet we both twitter away a lot of time with our electronic devices and social media.
Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 
Last week was Spring Break and our youngest granddaughter spent part of her week with us.
Next week is pretty far away for us old folk to plan for. We hope to get to see some Texas Bluebonnet fields

I'm linked with Cee at Share Your World, 

 - You might want to participate, check her out
 - To view older version of Share Your World (SYW), click here

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