Friday, August 17, 2018

Weekend Roundup -- 07-18(b) (for letter "G")

The 33rd issue of Weekend Roundup for this year...
The week's prompts:
(1) Starts with "G"; (2) A Favorite; and (3) Great

(1) Starts with "G":  "G" is for Garden.  Above is a nice Garden Salad that our daughter made for Granddaughter KP's pool party, four of us with KP swimming.  It was for main course with all the pretty vegatables and then burrata  cheese for protein and dairy.  Summer late afternoon had just set in. Perfect for swimming. 

Mrs. Jim's Garden is in our backyard.  At present she has one plant, a Basil plant.  We have used some leaves from it and have given more away.  It did get infected, in the picture at right you can see that the bottom stems now have no skin.  Some insect at them and left this mess.

I don't know what it is, if any reader can identify we would be happy..
[click on any picture for larger size viewing]
So if any reader can identify we would be happy.  I sprayed it good with "Captain Jack's Deadbug" and things got better.  The spray bottle says it "Kills bagworms, borers, beetles" and a host of other pesty folk in smaller print. 

We generally use it for spraying beetles and bagworms on our lemon tree.  Both plants are showing next to the right fence in this picture below.  The lemon tree is the only thing besides flowers that grow in the rest of 'our' backyard "Garden".  I did plant some potatoes in the front flower bed.  One plant survived a rabbit attack.

(2) A Favorite:   This is Mrs. Jim and I standing in front of the Giant Octopus.  The Giant was one of the Characters in the Pirate aka King David Study during the kids VBS (Vacation Bible School) at our church.
(3) week's word, "Great":   Aren't these some Great Feet !!!

Intro:They are sooo great, I have been very happy with them for most of my life.  The unhappy time I wasn't was when the right foot broke down,  That was right during my younger daughter's wedding. I was supposed to walk her down the isle, how could I do that one crutches?  Easy, the doctor said that I could put shoes on and walk on them but only going down the isle with the daughter.

My toes:  Here on the left, the hammer toe effect came about after our friend ran over my foot with her car, the back right tire and wheel rolled onto it and stopped (when I screamed, she stopped).  So while the car was standing on my foot, I had to convince her to drive on forward OFF my foot. 

The right foot toes are webbed, the second with the middle toe.  The doctors would have cut them apart but my mother said not to.  My older daughter has these webbed toes as does her granddaughter.  The biggest problem is that because the second toe sits on the big toe, the nail area of the big toe because sore and inflamed unless I keep that part cut short.  The left foot toes are slightly webbed also

My arches are terribly flat.  That did not keep my out of the military service though.  Mostly my foot becomes tired easily.  While in college my right foot middle metatarsal broke after excessive marching as a part of my University of Nebraska Pershing Rifles (an ROTC military college fraternity) initiation hazing my second year of college.

Now with aging a buildup of cuticles grow under the nails, making them hard to trim.  Usually when that part becomes softened after a bath or shower.  That condition makes the cuticle a candidate for digging it out and throwing it in the trash.

My foot doctor wants to "rebuild" my foot but there's no way I will allow that unless it falls all the way apart or if I cannot walk on it.

Last of all is a beautiful foot contest or an ugly foot contest.  I generally with the latter but get an honorable mention for the beautiful foot.  If enough readers would ask, I might have another.  The first ones were sort of a bust (Link) ( "Foot" Link, my blog ).
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                         The end, that's all for tonight.

The fine print: -  I am linked with Tom of "Backwoods Travel" (Link to Tom's Weekend Reviews) 
  - The pictures are all mine and rights are reserved to me under Copyright Law.
 - Click on any picture to make it "full screen" sized. Click on your "Back" button to get back here.

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