Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yikes, it's the Ides of March! Trouble is brewing right here in Bentwater City****

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It was a dark and foggy morning. Evil was foreboding. What could be happening to our little world?

Let's start over here. This is the view out our front porch this morning. Those three big machines blocking our pretty view were harbingers** of troubles to come. To say the least inconveniences, noise, visual pollution, and traffic problems out front.

Widipedia has a nice little short article on the Ides of March (link). Although we fear the 15th of March, there were also Ides in every month. Some are on the 13th, four are on the 15th:

"The Ides fell on the 15th day of March, May, July, or October or the 13th day of any other month.[1] Thus the Ides of March was the 15th day of March.
Specifically, the term is best known because
Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March in 44 BC

Here is a picture taken last year of the pretty field of yellow flowers that will giving way to these yellow behemoths.

Posted by Picasa .

There's another problem today. Our Houston CBS story took off The Price is Right program (link) . Oprah is alright once in a while but really isn't for me. Could this be a one time thing until March Madness is over?

Thank goodness we don't have cable. I can still get Bob Barker doing his thing on the College Station CBS Channel 3.

Can you imagine her not picking up the income taxes due for those Pontiacs she gave away? I haven't forgiven her for that. Too, I haven't heard, but maybe the public outcry did cause her to pay up on the taxes. She can afford that too.

** Harbingers are fictional characters with superhuman powers who appeared in every Valiant Comics title. [from Widipedia article--link here]
*** Quoted from Ides of March Wikipedia article--link here to read the article]
**** Bentwater is the name of our quiet subdivision located outside Montgomery, Texas (link). Mrs. Jim and I might be the poorest people in the subdivision as we both worked in public education. But we can rub elbows with the millionaires and ex CEOs on the links or wherever.
Like they I say, "You have a hard time telling who is wealthy when people are naked, or wearing blue jeans for that matter. My jeans come from Walmart or Academy, their come from Tiffany's." I know, Tiffany's doesn't sell jeans, yet. ]

On the bright side, after a year or so when this madness is all finished we should be able to look out at a nice big and pretty house. This little flower field is a double lot.

Better yet, even though we haven't met the new owners yet, I'm betting they will be nice neighbors.

For Thursday Thirteen (Raggedy for instance) today I could probably find thirteen good things if I really wanted to be positive. For that matter thirteen bad things for sure if I dwelled on this situation, all temporary though.

Maroon one more time, for the Texas Aggies in the March Madness. My great neice is one of those cute drill team girls sitting in front on the floor too! On CBS today at 2:30 CDT! Goodness, I can watch them on Channel 3 or Channel 11!


I hate to say it, but the neighbors had to put up with some bulldozers in their view while you and Mrs. Jim were builing your mansion.

On another note, I am trying to get Mrs. Mitch to look at lake lots at bentwater, but according to Candice, there are almost none to be had. Good for existing owners' property values but bad for bentwater "wannabe's".
Thank you for the link!
Have a fabulous day!
Our neighborhood is going to be very busy within the next few months too. Whispers of a strip mall and gas station up the street and a strong possibility of many houses two doors away. All this is now farmland, soon to be making way for that ugly word: progress. Bah!
Hi Jim,

Sorry about dulicating the boat picture you have on your blog. My step-dad sent me those and I didn't even remember seeing them before. That really doesn't mean anything with me. Since I turned 40 I would forget my name if my kids were always calling mom. : )
Lori, don't be sorry. That picture is circulating all over the Web, it sure isn't mine. I've gotten it three times in three different e-mails.
I'm glad your step-dad is feeling like sending you his contribution.
For those who didn't see Lori's blog,, it was a picture of that little funny houseboat/camper, the Gypsy Queen--search on that in my search box--I had blogged about back on January 5.
I'm sure the house will be very pretty once it's done, but be prepared for some noise in the meantime!
I had forgotten about another kind of noise. Generally we (the neighbors) have to complain about the loud boom boxes trying to override all the nail guns and electric saws. Our POA will have quieten that down when we holler.
Hi Jim ~~ I hope you get nice neighbors, as that is always a good thing. Thanks for your visit. Peter
wrote the story about our Dad a few years ago, not long after he died, so it has been on before. He did well.
I can add to my blogroll, but not put then in alphabetical order. Last time he did that, he told me not to muck it up again!! Will be glad to see him safely here. Take care,Cheers,Merle.
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Doesn't matter where you buy your blue jeans, as long as they fit and are comfy. My favorite ones were 15 bux.
Mine were 14.95 at Academy Sporting Goods. The ones before were too at Walmart.
Maybe the new neighbors name will be Harbinger.
Hi Jim.Hope the new house will be something nice to look at and good neighbours, the noise will only last a short time. Have Agreat weekend.
My (only) pair of blue jeans cost $.50 at the garage sell. They were priced a dollar, but I talked 'em down. Same for my (only)other pair, some of white jeans.

Like you said, we're in education.
Maybe you can call the new neighbours Bing? So what is up with this weather?

It was 99 at Phoenix Skyharbour yesterday.

Take care xx

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