Tuesday, October 03, 2006
What to do on any Saturday in East Texas
[After it started they added two local Italian girls.]
So first, before we go to East Texas, lets look at tonight. Tonight was the premier episode of The Bachelor! (link)
This bachelor was a prince, Prince Lorenzo Borghese. His family is Italian, he lives in New York City. He is 34 years old, I don't think ever married, and seems a lot like I was when I was his age. That was for you girls and women.
Now for me (and us guys). I spent these last two hours being in the shoes of Lorenzo, figuring out these beautiful women.
Boast a little (for this week at least), the two Texas ladies, Jami Plumber
and Erica Rose
[Houston Chronicle links]
(from Galveston and Houston respectively) both got a rose. They will be back next week.
For a list of all the women and Lorenzo and their bios, go (click) here.
For a chance to win a trip to Italy, one each week, go (click) here. You must register as a Bachelor watcher first to enter, it tells how there on that entry page.
Who all got those twelve red roses? Why Kim, Rose, Jeanette, Jami, Ellen, Sarah, Desiree, Jennifer, Erica, Gina, Sadie, and Onessy, in that order. Rose and Onessy didn't have bio's, I might have misunderstood Lorenzo when he called these. You can click on the other's names to see where there're from.
One other item, Prince Lorenzo said it sucks to not pick the thirteen fifteen he had to let go home.
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Start the morning off with a new bank
(Capital Bank) opening.
Here we see the pancake stacking contest.
Free pancakes for everyone!
Who else but the Jim Bunch would have their picture taken?
[It was for the blog.]
After I put a battery in Mema's fire alarm
I cranked up the 1974 Mustang II
and took it home.
This Mustang II has 67,000 miles on it.
It belonged to Mom, we call it Grandma's Mustang II.
She had to have a stick shift, she didn't trust an automatic to be in the right gear. How in the world could a piece of machinery figure that out?
Adi thought she could go for a ride!
[But not this time.]
Nebraska football (playing Kansas at Nebraska) was only on the Internet for audio here in this part of Texas. No TV.
Nebraska scored first, in the first 58 seconds to make it 7 to 0.
The reason we took the Mustang home was to get gas. We drove to Huntsville where they don't put ethanol in the gas.
Here in Montgomery County we put it in because we are helping Houston with their pollution problems. Our speed limits are lower too so we can do more to help their pollution problem.
We had supper at McKenzies BBQ in Huntsville.
Usually the Huntsville car club meets there on Saturday nights, but this Saturday they had a car show at the court house square. I've met a few of these people before.
You can tell the owners like cars, the motive is car things all the way around the two dining rooms. With toy cars, license plates, car parts, etc. it all looks pretty good.
The game was still on when we got back. We got to hear the last two touchdowns from that streaming audio.
Nebraska won 39 to 32.
.Jim+Bunch Jim+Bunch+eats Photos travel+and+places Life The+Bachelor
Automobile Entertainment Mustang Mustang+II
[Click on pictures for full screen]
[Bachelor contestant pictures courtessy of ABC]
Thanks for visiting my site Jim and the lovely posts.
I remember the Mustang II when your folks drove it. They did like Ford's,,,didn't they.
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