Friday, May 17, 2024

Letter "T" -- Friday's Weekend Roundup 12 and Reflections and/or Street/Candid Captures

This Week's Prompts: Starts with "T"; A Favorite; Tom's request, "T"rio; and For James, Reflections and/or Street/Candid Captures.      
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Starts with "T"Trees, they fell right and left during out during our really rough thunderstorms.

"HOUSTON (AP) — Power outages could last weeks in parts of Houston, an official warned Friday, after thunderstorms with hurricane-force winds tore through the city, knocking out electricity to nearly 1 million homes and businesses in the region, blowing out windows on downtown high rises and flipping vehicles.

The National Weather Service said it confirmed a tornado with peak winds of 110 mph (177 kph) touched down near the northwest Houston suburb of Cyprus in Harris County.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top elected official, said crews were still trying to determine the extent of the damage and the number of casualties from Thursday’s storms. Houston Mayor John Whitmire said four people, and possibly five, had died.

“It was fierce. It was intense. It was quick, and most Houstonians didn’t have time to place themselves out of harms way,” Whitmire said at a news conference."

            A fine "Trio", Me (Jim), Ado. and Mrs. Jim 
[A trio of three make for a pair.  Two Pet therapy teams.] 

Tom's request, "T"rio: This is a picture of our dog, Adi with Mrs. Jim and I in 2005.  She was a purebred female tri-color beagle.

Adi was our younger daughter's dog.  She had thought her new apartment allowed dogs but then she found that they did not allow beagles.  
So Adi had to come to live with us. That is me, Jim, on the right, and Mrs. Jim on the left. All three of us had just passed our therapy dog examinations. Whew!  
This is Montgomery Intermediate school, where all three of us would tutor sixth grade reading students. That year Adi and I also visited folks in an assisted living home on Tuesday afternoons.
She was well liked there. We heard a lot of dog tales (worked to be a pun here) from these residents, mainly about dogs that had to stay at their former homes or were in their earlier lives.

A Favorite:  Adi is retiring from Pet Partners

Dear Jim,

Thank you for notifying us. We will be sure to honor Adi's past contribution to our Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program in our Interactions Magazine, and "Pet Partners, Retired" on our web page.

Warm Regards,
Kelly Schnitzmeier

-----Original Message-----
From: (Jim and Mrs. Jim) 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 6:56 PM
To: Info (Pet Partners Headquarters)
Subject: Retirement Information Request

To whom it might concern:

My dog and I will not be renewing our certification this year.

Adi, the dog, is now 16 years old and has two major problems which make it hard for her to visit. First, she is VERY hard of hearing. Second, she has severe arthritis in her back legs.

I would like to have her classified as being retired if that is possible for us.

Dog: Adi
Breed: Tri-color Beagle, a female
Age: 16

Co-team member: James Hov... (me)
ID #: 51...

When we first started my wife, (Mrs. Jim) was also certified with Adi. Due to her having many other volunteer responsibilities she was unable to continue with Pet Partners. She was active though, while a member. Mostly she and Adi tutored reading students who needed help.

Wife, former co-team member:  (Mrs. Jim -- ID # 51...)

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Additionally, I do thank you for the certificate you sent of in appreciation of our work together, Adi and me. It was for nine years of service. Thank you very much.


For James, Reflections and/or Street/Candid Captures:   Conversation like buddy, buddies
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 - [Click on any picture for larger, click it again for extra large] 
 - I am linked with Tom of "Backwoods Travel" (Link here to click for Tom's Weekend Reviews)
- I am also linked this week with James of "Weekend Reflections" (click here for his Reflections Photos).
- The pictures mostly are all mine and rights are reserved to me under Copyright Law.

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...Jim, I been reading about your violent weather. I hope that your TRIO will take care and be well.
That storm made the national news. Beagles are cute!
Hi Jim, I like your trio, and always enjoy your stories about Adi. We've had some nasty thunderstorms in Kentucky, too! There's been several tornados but nothing too close to me. Scary! Have a good week! Dawn
I'm glad you are ok! I don't miss Texas tornadoes.
I like a good storm but Tornadoes freak me out, we don't often get them here.
That's a fine trio! :-)

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