Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Didgano III? Pirates -- “Smartly, me lass,” you will say as you send the bar maid off for another round

Yesterday I joined the pack, went with flow, followed the blind who were leading the blind, etc.

I think I did a plausible/plaudible job. I was an unknown number of almost 40,000 blogging on Talk like a Pirate Day.

Generally I don't like to be just one of the crowd, but after looking a little, I am proud of the job I did, a lot of thanks for that goes to Billy.

This one sums it up: "Talk like a Pirate Day was a private joke that went around the world. This year it is tomorrow September 19th . . . It's fun and it shows just how wierd ideas can go places thanks to the Internet." The Spoke, September 18, 2006.

You can go here (Technorati search on Talk like a Pirate Day) to read more than you want. Most aren't anymore thorough than mine yesterday. Just shows how ridiculous things can be on the Web.
I do wish I had invented this holiday idea though, it is my style and I don't even like pirates.

I'll post a real blog this afternoon, got to run today. WalMart is calling me now.

[picture courtessy of International Talk Like A Pirate Day (
link) Web site.]


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