Saturday, December 06, 2008
Have you had your car read lately? #015 -- Our Early Ford V-8 club meeting for lunch -- Part II
Mrs. Jim could not come, she is coming tomorrow for our Christmas lunch at another farm (the one with the cow pies).
Click any picture for a full screen capicture. Change the "800" in the URL to "1600" for a larger than screen view.
No, this isn't Mrs. Jim. This is the hostess of our lunch, she and her husband own the little farm. But she wouldn't stand still for me to take her picture. I had to hold her down so she wouldn't run from the camera again.
The old cars are from left to right, 1941 Ford Fordor, 1935 Ford Coupe, 1940 Mercury Convertible, 1947 Ford Club Coupe, (red) 1946 Ford Tudor, and a (green) 1951 Mercury Fordor. On the trailer is a just purchased 1941 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup.
These bricks don't say "Mexico," they say "Mexia." Mexia is a nice fun little town between Houston and Dallas. They used to have a brick factory making red bricks.
One famous person grew up in Mexia, Anna Nichole Smith (my blog link).
Not everyone brought an old car. Some are just a little old, here '65 Ford Mustang, '74 Ford Mustang II (mine), '57 Ford T-Bird, and then this newer runt of another make.
Ponies but not Mustangs
The ride home was nice, I took the quicker way back. It was still fairly 'scenic.' My 1974 Mustang II, it was my Mom's until she passed away in 1999. I was the original owner, then I sold it to Mom two weeks later. Before that it was a program car rented by a Ford Motor Company employee from Ford. I worked for Ford also but did not have a lease car.
There was a better and faster way home. This road led to the Interstate.
Labels: Car Reading, Cars, Friends, Jim Does, Mustang, Texas, Views
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Have you had your car read lately? #014 -- Our Early Ford V-8 club meeting for lunch
Over the hills
Watch for the kids
Air conditioned,
Labels: Antiques, Car Reading, Cars, Texas
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Ruby (Red) Tuesday -- What makes you happy?
My happiness. It isn't the cup of coffee, it is the free coffee for seniors at the grocery store. That makes me very happy. Generally on the way to fruit, through the bakery good, I find a couple of piece of pastry sample to nibble on with my coffee.
Another nice thing I can do is head on over for a refill when I am in the mood for a second cup. They don't care at the store, they are glad I am here and not down the street.
Don't you worry that the cup isn't full either. It is self service, I like my coffee hot so most times I have this much two or three times, drinking it before it gets very much cooled down. And I might have another pastry sample.
Young people generally are happy with toys. A pretty room with floor space to play helps a lot.
I didn't count the animals and dolls, I have bought a couple, Mrs. Jim has purchased her share as well. I don't know where they all come from, do you?
Thinking it over, I believe they come from shopping trips either close at the mall or far away on vacation or at a discovered gift shop, you name them, there are places to buy your kids toy animals.
Click the Ruby Tuesday button if you want to see more Ruby Tuesday posts.
Mary is in charge there, you can post your own if you wish.
Labels: Collection, Eating, Food, Jim Does, Kids, Ruby Tuesday, Seniors, Thinking
Monday, December 01, 2008
Happy Blog Anniversary Jim!
JIM'S LITTLE BLOG -- Started December 1, 2005
-- 1,153 Posts -- 41,0699 'Visitors' -- Currently 40/day average
Running several (3-4) posts per week currently
(Generally Ruby Tuesday on Tuesdays)
JIM'S LITTLE PHOTO AND POEM PLACE -- Started December 1, 2006
-- 359 Posts -- 7765 'Visitors' -- Currently 15/day average
Running three +/- posts per week: (these may appear sometime the day before due date)
(Wordless Wednesday -- on Wednesday)
(SkyWatch Friday -- on Friday)
(One Single Impression -- on Sunday)
(an occasional 'feel good' post)
Ask Dr. Jim (blog) -- Started December 1, 2007
-- 64 Posts -- 3445 'Visitors' -- Currently 16/day average
Running one +/- post per week, no set day
Posts are Q&A; Questions on most any subject from 'reader' and Answers by Dr. Jim who knows most everything about most everything there is to know (at least Dr. Jim always has an answer)
General Statistics:
8533 Comments on all blogs (Yahoo mail won't let me refine anymore)
2086 Total posts, all blogs
Inactive or little used blogs:
JIM'S LITTLE HAPPY PLACE – 192 Posts (once a controversial blog with a different name--I couldn't tolerate the flaming and converted it to a HAPPY PLACE--then it went inactive as I couldn't care for and feed it properly)
me, old blogs never read, and . . . – 169 Posts -- A dumping place
To All the Girls I've Loved Before – 16 Posts --purpose link -- not nearly completed
jim's little Christmas tree farm – 102 Posts -- lots of Christmas trees earlier, now a few miscelaneous posts
What Susie Wrote on My Blog – 21 Posts -- while I was on holiday
Q -- Do you have a YouTube?
A -- Yes, Jim1Jim1. It has very sporadic posting with 19 Videos
Q -- Will you create a new blog this year?
A -- No plans at the present time. In fact I spend too much time blogging and would like to slow down and get better quality posts.
Q -- Then will you discontinue one of these three blogs?
A -- Right now, No. Later I may consolidate JIM'S LITTLE BLOG and JIM'S LITTLE PHOTO AND POEM PLACE. They seem to overlap.
Q -- But you have different readership on each blog, I don't want to leave the one I like and am accustomed to.
A -- That is the major problem with consolidation.
Q -- What would you like to do about consolidation?
A -- I have thought about moving everything to JIM'S LITTLE BLOG. Then it would lack organization so I think I am stuck the way I am.
Q -- You don't seem to read my blog very much anymore. Why?
A -- If you don't leave comments on my blogs I won't pester you (very much).
Q -- Can I ask more questions?
A -- Yes, just leave them in a comment. Request for me to remove the comment after reading and it will soon be gone.
Q -- What if I don't like to even show my comment, thought, or idea for even a short time until you read it. Don't you have an e-mail address?
A#1 -- Yes, I have several e-mail addresses. My blogging address is jhovendic[at]yahoo[dot]com.
A#2 -- I also have one moderated comment page (click here) taking private comments. It was intended for anonymous questions to Ask Dr. Jim (blog) but you also could use it to remain anonymous.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior"
Words of David, 2 Samuel 22:2-3 NIV
Have you had your car read lately? #943 -- Why don't these guys go ahead and take their half out of the middle of the road?
I am afraid there isn't a very good answer for that question. Just a lot of inconsiderate drivers have been around here lately.
The most inconsiderate drivers I am seeing are locals in their pickup trucks, generally pulling an almost empty flatbed trailer. I have nothing against locals pulling trailers but when they pull out in front of me (and other drivers as well) they seem to forget that they are pulling the trailer.
You can figure what this does. It causes black braking skid marks all over the road leading up to them. Often it also causes some unpleasant name calling and horn honking to someone who is long gone and could care less.
Now to study these two a little more. Obviously they are travelling together at a fairly slow rate of speed. Or is the tractor passing the pedestrian? If that is the case we can almost hear those large horns blaring, two trumpets on the red tractor and another pinned to the coat of the pedestrian.
I believe they are friends and that the fellow driving the tractor is going slow enough for his blue-jeaned friend to keep up. He's not doing a very good job at it as the walking friend is getting behind. Back there I doubt they can even hear each other talking over the tractor noise.
If I were driving the tractor, I would be pulling my friend in the trailer. Surely walking very far in those cowboy boots would kill his feet. They sure would mine.
Where would the blue-jeaned fellow sit? Did you notice that the cargo in the trailer is a sitting bench. It would not be very safe to upright the bench for a place to sit. At least not while the rig is moving.
I would have him move that pillow up on the trailer floor and sit on it in front, hanging his legs down where the pillow is now. That would be the safest place for him, either side or the rear would put him in jeopardy of being hit or squeezed by a car that gets too close.
A last question here for the read. I would like some help here with that one, where do you think they are going?
And one more last question, some people think the driver is married? What do you think and why?
Labels: Antiques, Car Reading, Cars, Humor