Thursday, February 14, 2008
Adi, Scones (the Jim Bunch eats again), and the Alabama election - or, This, That, and the Other
She can eat with her doggie halo on if I hold her bowl up. She really doesn't like to drink that way. Also for small treats she can do with it on, we don't give her the larger ones as she can't get off the floor the part she bites off and puts there for her second and more bites.
So for meals, I take the doggie halo off. She eats, drinks, and goes outside for a brief moment. Then it is back with the collar.
Mrs. Jim made these scones yesterday morning. There are large ones and small ones. Yesterday I had three, Mrs. Jim had two. So far today each of had one as we did a little cooing and exchanged Valentine's Day cards and boxes of chocolates.
What you see besides the scones are jars of strawberry preserves, raspberry preserves, and lemon curd. My coffee goes very nicely with all this.
Thank you, Mrs. Jim!
This is a nice picture. A lady in the Sam Houston Monument Visitor Center arranged it. She carries Flat Man (inside the Texas Cutie shirt) everywhere and gets a lot of pictures. Her seven-year-old nephew sent her Flat Man for the summer. This fall she has to return Flat Man before school starts. He goes and attends with the boy.
Now, for the Alabama primary election news. They are going to do it all over again, I'll tell you why. I got this e-mail, from bro-in-law:
Alabama Primary Votes
Did you hear they're having to recall ALL of the primary votes in Alabama?
Yep......darn shame, too! It seems somebody intentionally misprinted the
democratic tickets by placing a G in front of Obama.
So,Everybody in the state voting checked 'that' box because they thought
it read >>> GO BAMA!
Ooooh, My !!!
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We would not be that careless in Texas. Besides that we have so many football teams it would not change the vote one bit. Poor Alabama.
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. Labels: Adi, Animals, Dogs, Food, Humor, Jim Bunch Eats, Jim's Life, Sam Houston
An Adi update:
Adi knows and likes PUPPY LOVE too!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Adi Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sleep single in her big double bed
"I think I should get paid for this pose"
"I smell trouble here"
It won't hurt, sweet heart
She's a nice lady, she likes puppies
Everybody here likes Adi
You'll be all better real soon
I'll come to get you in just a little bit
This is how our car rides are supposed to be,
not to the vet's office for surgery
"I can see for miles and miles"
No head out the window for today!
Adi will wear this halo collar
for the next 10 days
It took her a long time to figure out how to take a nap. I hope she sleeps good tonight. She is on a 24-hour med for pain and anxiety. That might help her sleep.
Labels: Adi, Adi Can, Animals, Doctoring, Dogs, Jim's Life, Music
Sunday, February 10, 2008
the flowers fall
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)
Labels: Sunday