Saturday, March 09, 2013
Today is National Meatball Day - March 9
Those are some choices (Googled for pictures), my favorites are Italian meatballs and spaghetti, AND Swedish with gravy and mashed potatoes with the same gravy.
After lunch you can celebrate National Barbie Doll Day. Dress for the day also, see here.
One last bit, Barbie is 54 years old this year.
Read the National Day Calendar for today here.
Meatballs and spaghetti picture
courtesy of Photo Bucket ....
(sign said take it) ...........
Two Paris Hotels — Six Word Saturday —
mySix Words:
Each is within walking distance of the Eiffel Tower. We've had the bottom one two times, the top one only once.
But that one time was on April 15 of last year, the date of the Paris Marathon.
Our room then was at a premium because of the race and because the lower floors had to look out at the walls of the building.
I'd rather be watching those chimneys, the sky, and the buildings in the distance than lower facing walls of a building. Rooms looking at the Eiffel Tower on the 5th and 6th floors were more still. Ours was on the 6th facing the other direction..
But we didn't spend much of our time in the room that weekend.
The street here in the bottom picture is rue Cler. Our hotel would be on the left, with the yellow sign. Both stays our rooms were looking down on the street.
During the day the fruit, seafood, pastries, and groceries were available market style with the store fronts open and extending out on the street.
In the evenings other vendors appeared along with the little sidewalk cafes, etc. Our favorite was the crepe maker right below our hotel. The hotel on this street we like is The Grand Hotel Leveque Paris at 29 rue Cler (link).
At right is the street out front of the April 2912 hotel. the Hôtel de Londres Eiffel at 1 Rue Augereau (map). Nothing wrong with it, it just isn't on a fun pedestrian street.
But down this street you can get Paris' best hot dog (I ate one while walking the street to the river). It will be on an open faced, two nice sausage links sliced down the middle, covered with melted cheese of your choice. Sorry, I was so busy eating I forgot to take a picture. Next time, okay?
Rick Steves in his travel guides recommends both of the hotels. The Londres is a tad bit closer to the Eiffel, perhaps five minutes if one walks slowly. Not a problem. (Paris Hotels - Rick Steves)
Our daughter, Karen, ran the Paris Marathon last year and they like the upper hotel because it has one room for four, them and the two kids. Karen did finish the 2012 marathon (link). She is not in training this year so we won't be afforded the luxury and pleasure of cheering her on as we often did.
Describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words for Six Word Saturday. Click the box at right to visit Cate's blog with Mr. Linky showing all the other blogs participating this week. Cate is the boss at Six Word Saturday. She would like for you to participate.
mySix Words:
Two rooms with a view -- your pick
[click on a picture for large size]
.But that one time was on April 15 of last year, the date of the Paris Marathon.
Our room then was at a premium because of the race and because the lower floors had to look out at the walls of the building.
I'd rather be watching those chimneys, the sky, and the buildings in the distance than lower facing walls of a building. Rooms looking at the Eiffel Tower on the 5th and 6th floors were more still. Ours was on the 6th facing the other direction..
The street here in the bottom picture is rue Cler. Our hotel would be on the left, with the yellow sign. Both stays our rooms were looking down on the street.
During the day the fruit, seafood, pastries, and groceries were available market style with the store fronts open and extending out on the street.
In the evenings other vendors appeared along with the little sidewalk cafes, etc. Our favorite was the crepe maker right below our hotel. The hotel on this street we like is The Grand Hotel Leveque Paris at 29 rue Cler (link).
But down this street you can get Paris' best hot dog (I ate one while walking the street to the river). It will be on an open faced, two nice sausage links sliced down the middle, covered with melted cheese of your choice. Sorry, I was so busy eating I forgot to take a picture. Next time, okay?
Rick Steves in his travel guides recommends both of the hotels. The Londres is a tad bit closer to the Eiffel, perhaps five minutes if one walks slowly. Not a problem. (Paris Hotels - Rick Steves)
Our daughter, Karen, ran the Paris Marathon last year and they like the upper hotel because it has one room for four, them and the two kids. Karen did finish the 2012 marathon (link). She is not in training this year so we won't be afforded the luxury and pleasure of cheering her on as we often did.
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Labels: Family, Paris, Six Word Saturday, Travel
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
— My Alphabe-Thursday (2nd), the letter "P" / Thursday Two Questions —
."P" is for Player. In golf scrambles, I am a "D" Player because my golf handicap is a 33 per this month's Handicap Report.
"D" Player's are a valuable asset to their team in several ways:
1. The heavy hitters' balls go out of bounds often with their long hits. Mine is shorter and consequently, even not exactly straight ahead it doesn't go far enough in its errant way to get out of bounds.
2. I get two points added to almost every hole. That means a par or birdie (I get those occasionally) will be a minus two or three.
3. My putting and chipping on a normal day is better than my handicap shows. That means that I will have more of my putts and chips used for scoring than the other three.
4. When I have a bad shot I don't cry for very long. "D" Players are expected to have one or two bad shots on every hole.
5. I only have to play golf two times a week to keep a handicap of this magnitude.
6. When I reach age 104 I will be playing my age if I can keep this number (and live that long). Golfers like to be able to play their handicap. My friend, Everett W, who is over age 90, plays his handicap or better quite often.
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My last post last week was about an "O" word, Oh!!! It referred to my exclamation when something went wrong. Last week that wrong was when I washed my camera in the washing machine. I am in the process of getting a new one from Amazon [dot] com. I'll let you know next week.
My Two Questions for this week (you can answer just one if you wish):.
1. What sport do you participate in that judges your skill with a rating number or title?
Also when I was bowling with a team my average was kept. We would be evened out by something similar to a handicap but I cannot remember much about that part.
Bonus Questions:
In the top picture I had parked my golf cart and was looking for my ball. It was definitely in the 'roughs.'
Look in the center of this picture. Here, I have found my ball.
It appears to be in an unplayable lie. That means I have to pick it up and put it where the rules will allow. Doing that costs me two strokes.
==> Be sure to check out all of my posted New Zealand and Australia pictures. You can do that by clicking here (Our 2012-2013 New Zealand and Australia).
."P" is for Player. In golf scrambles, I am a "D" Player because my golf handicap is a 33 per this month's Handicap Report.
Hi Jim H,
Club: Bentwater Country Club GHIN #: 6xxxxxxxxxx Effective: 03/01/2013 Low Handicap Index: 32.6 |
Handicap Index
"D" Player's are a valuable asset to their team in several ways:
1. The heavy hitters' balls go out of bounds often with their long hits. Mine is shorter and consequently, even not exactly straight ahead it doesn't go far enough in its errant way to get out of bounds.
2. I get two points added to almost every hole. That means a par or birdie (I get those occasionally) will be a minus two or three.
3. My putting and chipping on a normal day is better than my handicap shows. That means that I will have more of my putts and chips used for scoring than the other three.
4. When I have a bad shot I don't cry for very long. "D" Players are expected to have one or two bad shots on every hole.
5. I only have to play golf two times a week to keep a handicap of this magnitude.
6. When I reach age 104 I will be playing my age if I can keep this number (and live that long). Golfers like to be able to play their handicap. My friend, Everett W, who is over age 90, plays his handicap or better quite often.
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==> You can see other "P" letter posts by visiting Jenny's blog post, Alphabe- Thursday. My letter "P" portion of this post will be critiqued by Head Mistress Jenny. I always hope for a good grade
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Now for my Thursday Two Questions.My last post last week was about an "O" word, Oh!!! It referred to my exclamation when something went wrong. Last week that wrong was when I washed my camera in the washing machine. I am in the process of getting a new one from Amazon [dot] com. I'll let you know next week.
My Two Questions for this week (you can answer just one if you wish):.
1. What sport do you participate in that judges your skill with a rating number or title?
Also when I was bowling with a team my average was kept. We would be evened out by something similar to a handicap but I cannot remember much about that part.
2. Does your spouse or mate participate in a sport? Mrs. Jim plays golf with the ladies two times a week. Her skill level is similar to mine. .
Bonus Questions:
1. What is your favorite "O" word?
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==> My post is for Amanda at her Thursday Two Questions blog, Self Sagacity.
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==> My post is for Amanda at her Thursday Two Questions blog, Self Sagacity.
Look in the center of this picture. Here, I have found my ball.
It appears to be in an unplayable lie. That means I have to pick it up and put it where the rules will allow. Doing that costs me two strokes.
==> Be sure to check out all of my posted New Zealand and Australia pictures. You can do that by clicking here (Our 2012-2013 New Zealand and Australia).
Labels: Alphabe-Thursday-[2nd], Golf, Jim Does, Sports, Thursday-Two-Questions
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Don't get __________ / Two Shoes Tuesday # 27 -- Sacrifice
I suppose I should fill in the (Don't get) blank above in my title. It could be "in a hurry." Or better, "upset because duty called." Really it should be "upset because I was careless in letting this get posted blank."
It was blank because I put on the title only and then had to SACRIFICE MY writing this blog anymore and go eat at Luby's Cafeteria with my Sunday school class buddies.
Finally I am back. We stopped at a couple of stores after eating, and I am ready to write now.
Two Shoes Tuesday is a place for bloggers to share what we enjoy doing most... writing! Each week Josie provides a one-word writing prompt and invite us to share a short story, poem, essay, thought, or photo relating to that topic.
The writing prompt this week for March 5, 2013, is "sacrifice". For a list of and links to those participating, go here.
I suppose I should fill in the (Don't get) blank above in my title. It could be "in a hurry." Or better, "upset because duty called." Really it should be "upset because I was careless in letting this get posted blank."
It was blank because I put on the title only and then had to SACRIFICE MY writing this blog anymore and go eat at Luby's Cafeteria with my Sunday school class buddies.
Finally I am back. We stopped at a couple of stores after eating, and I am ready to write now.
The writing prompt for Tuesday,
March 5th is "sacrifice."
I didn't have a good clue as to what to write. Since it is Easter time I feel tugged at to write of the SACRIFICE Jesus made when almost 2000 years ago he allowed himself to be killed for our sake.
Many of our soldiers have SACRIFICED their lives so that we might continue to be free. Or SACRIFICED their lives so that their buddies might be rescued and live.
As Jesus was perfect because He is God, He gave his life as a PERFECT SACRIFICE to God for the sins of all mankind, us. God required a perfect animal to be sacrificed for our sins to be pardoned but just as there is no perfect man there is no perfect animal.
This perfect SACRIFICE Jesus gave in our place so that we might not be condemned eternally living in Hell's burning pit after we die here. Like the troops did in giving their lives so that others might live, Jesus gave his life as a SACRIFICE to God that we might live eternally with God in Heaven, in His good graces regardless of our sins which other wise would require eternal condemnation to Hell.
This pardon that God will give us is ours for the asking. We must believe that this is possible and that Jesus arose from his grave, ascended into Heaven, and now petitions God to forgive our sins.
Why would God forgive our sins and pardon us?
Because Jesus paid God's price for those sins and He is recommending us. He recommends us because we have prayed to Him that we are sorry for our sin, that we now believe he is our Lord who can save us, and that we are asking Him to do it.
Why would Jesus give his life as a SACRIFICE for us? Because He LOVES us, God loves us, he made us. For an online of this process, you might want to go here.
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Two Shoes Tuesday is a place for bloggers to share what we enjoy doing most... writing! Each week Josie provides a one-word writing prompt and invite us to share a short story, poem, essay, thought, or photo relating to that topic.
The writing prompt this week for March 5, 2013, is "sacrifice". For a list of and links to those participating, go here.
Labels: Bible, Two-Shoes-Tuesday
Monday, March 04, 2013
Cannon Scientist -- Succinctly Yours
It's okay Jimmy said. Go ahead and fire it. I've got my earplugs on because of my idiopathic ear problems.
Where am I? My nose is on fire!
..Maximum of 140
characters OR 140 words.
Where am I? My nose is on fire!
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Characters counted and spell
checked by MicroSoft
µ-fiction Story Copyright
© 2013 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved
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µ-fiction Story Copyright
© 2013 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved
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Picture prompt furnished by
Optional, Word of the Week: idiopathic -- Succinctly Yours Week 102
Rules: Use the photo as inspiration for a story.
Optional, Word of the Week: idiopathic -- Succinctly Yours Week 102
Rules: Use the photo as inspiration for a story.
Labels: Succinctly-Yours