Saturday, July 14, 2012
Lliking fried seafood — Six Word Saturday —
My Six Words:
I like all the poboys (link), oyster, catfish, shrimp, or crawfish that our local Sam's Boat (link) Seafood Restaurant serve. Since not everyone's oyster poboys are this good, I usually eat them when I'm at Sam's Boat.
When they came on June 13 to visit we ate outside on their water level deck at Lake Conroe. Not all tables had such a good lake view as ours.
Lois likes hush puppies with her shrimp poboys also. See my July 12 post below to learn about those.
Describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words for Six Word Saturday. Click the box at right to visit Cate's blog with Mr. Linky showing all the other blogs participating this week. Cate is the boss at Six Word Saturday. She would like for you to participate.
My Six Words:
My sister likes shrimp poboy sandwiches
When they came on June 13 to visit we ate outside on their water level deck at Lake Conroe. Not all tables had such a good lake view as ours.
Lois likes hush puppies with her shrimp poboys also. See my July 12 post below to learn about those.
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Labels: Eating, Food, Six Word Saturday
Thursday, July 12, 2012
My Alphabe-Thursday -- "H" -- Things in a Row -- Two Questions --
"H" is for hush puppies.
"H" is for hush puppies.

Why are they called 'hush puppies?'.Mrs. Jim said her grandmother would make them almost every day. The hound dogs--like Adi--would gather round and howl a little, they knew their turn was coming.
Then Grandma would call out, "Hush puppy! Hush puppy, hush!," as she would throw each dog in turn his or her hush puppy, hot from the pan. I have no idea how many hush puppies make a hound dog quiet down. We don't feed Adi hush puppies so I for sure don't know and Mrs. Jim can't remember how many it took her grandma to throw before the dogs did hush.
"H" is also for Hors d'Oeuvres
Thursday Things in a Row: These skewers consist of tortellinis stuffed with cheese, lightly cooked in oil peas in the pods, and yellow and red roasted small tomatoes. Mrs. Jim serves these as when a group meets at our home. This will happen again Friday night for six couples to play dominoes, Texas 42 style. [click on the picture to see my rows of hors d'oeuvres a little better.]
Finally, I wanted to show you my retired pair of Hush Puppy shoes. The problem is that they should have been stored on this shelf. You see they aren't there. I assure you that I did not throw them away. They were the ones I wore to the Holy Land in 1980.
I know that many times my Hush Puppy shoes crossed the paths that Jesus Christ had walked as he traveled throughout Israel. We stayed there in Jerusalem for six days and seven nights, using that city as a base for our travels, also through out present day Israel and Palestine. Palestine was a country with no territory back then.
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You can check out more Alphabe-Thursday 'H' assignments with Miss Jenny at the head of the class. You can find her here. You might even like to join us as we go through the alphabet, one letter per week.
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For more things in a row please visit Pat's Things in a Row post. You might like to post your own 'Things in a Row.'
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And now for my Thursday Two Questions: (See Thursday Two Questions by Self Sagacity for more reading. You could also make your own by checking in at this link.)
Last week 's post was about greats in your lives and how you were celebrating national holidays. The responses were very interesting.
My Two Questions for this week:
1. When did you eat your first hush puppy? Tell us a bit about that experience.
I had never eaten hush puppies until I moved to Houston when I was thirty-one years old. Hush puppies are not very popular in the Midwest, West Texas, or New England, the areas where I previously had lived.
2. How do like Hush Puppy shoes?
I have told about the one pair above. I used to wear Hush Puppies most all of the time, even for dress-going-to-church shoes. Now-a-days I cannot as my foot doctor has told me to wear only athletic shoes, like running or training shoes. And then I ave to put arch supports in them per his order..
Bonus Question: What is your favorite appetizer, or hors d'oeuvres dish?
Labels: Alphabe-Thursday, Eating, Food, Things-in-a-row, Thursday-Two-Questions
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Granny was euphoric when she left. Now she was worried.
Would her nephew walk her home or not?
Time will tell. O dear, she left her shoes.
Would her nephew walk her home or not?
Time will tell. O dear, she left her shoes.
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140 Characters as counted by Design 215
µ-fiction Story Copyright
© 2012 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved
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µ-fiction Story Copyright
© 2012 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved
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°Grandma of Succinctly Yours Week 68 gives these directions:
°Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words or less.
°Word of the Week, 'euphoric', and picture prompt were furnished by Grandma.
°Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words or less.
°Word of the Week, 'euphoric', and picture prompt were furnished by Grandma.
Labels: Succinctly-Yours