Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bachelor for a Week - Day Five

Day Five words from London: (isn't technology wonderful?)

I had to go back to the hotel and change shoes before I walked over here[to the Internet cafe]. [Jr.#5] had already gone to her activities. Today I walked up Oxford St. via the Kensington Gardens & Hyde Park. A very long walk ending up at the Bitish Museum to see the Rosetta Stone. Then a walk over to Covent Gardens & Trafalgar Sq. with a large Christmas tree. I visited the National Gallery to see some paintings. Saw the the original Van Gogh of the Sunflowers. He may have more than one, I don't really know. Then I got a train back to the hotel, changed shoes and came here[to the Internet cafe].

Well not much longer now. Of course I'm missing Mrs. Jim and will be glad when she is back home. Like the song, Eight Days A Week , I do miss her and love her Eight Days A Week. Adi misses and loves her too.

Yesterday I went to our personal bank but not the Pet Partner bank. I need to make a deposit the checks we got for selling a couple of shirts to new members. This bank is in Montgomery, and I am the treasurer.

The town of Montgomery is having a Christmas parade this Saturday. The three of us have been invited to be on the Montgomery Pet Partners, Inc. float. The Montgomery Intermediate School student council is sponsoring us. We are supposed to wear Santa hats and the dogs will wear antlers, like last year. Adi and I might go, Mrs. Jim has a luncheon.

John M, my friend and ex-president of the Montgomery Country Early Ford V8 Club sent me some pictures of our meeting last Saturday and I will post them here. Alton's cars and trucks were in his garage and aren't in these pictures.

John has the brown 1937 Ford pickup.

The least valuable car here is the 1949 Ford, the most expensive would be the 1940 Mercury convertible. The value range is from about $9000 or $10,000 to $60,000 or $70,000. Having a very collectible car gets expensive fast, doesn't it.

One other thing. I had a nice ride with Billy to Orange today. (Billy is Jr.#5's husband, he said I could use his name in the blog.) I met a lot of his relatives, including his two aunts, two great uncles, and a lot of cousins. His grandmother turned 83 this June. From what I have heard and from the repertoire of pictures displayed, she was a wonderful wife (her husband died less than a year ago), mother and grandmother, they are going to miss her a lot. I never got to meet her. Several told me they liked our daughter, Jr.#5 and gave me good reports about her.

Good night, Jim


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